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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Life Updates: Match Day, I See You.

After some questions on Monday's post, I realized that while I mention bits and pieces about med-school, I don't ever really talk about it in terms that apply to me. And I thought, well that sounds like a good blog post.

While I am not in med-school, it is a huge part of my life. I met Chris when I was 15, we started dating when I was 17, we got engaged at 19 (I know, I know, it's young), and married when I was twenty. We got married on his break during his first year of school, so our entire marriage has involved med-school. Because of this I feel like I have a pretty good perspective of it. One of these days I'll blog about all the ins and outs that would have been nice to know beforehand, but until then, if you have any questions--I'm your gal.

But, about where we're at now: Medical School is four years long. Chris is in his fourth year (#PRAISES) now. He's finished all of his tests and is now just finishing out the year working different rotations in different hospitals/clinics/etc.

By September, he has to have all of his applications for residency programs in. He'll go on interviews from November-January (which I'm kind of looking at as a bunch of cross country road trips...yes please.) and then comes match day.

Match day is a cruel and unusual punishment. Everywhere that Chris goes on an interview, he ranks. 1-5 or 1-100, they all get ranked. These places also rank Chris. Instead of just saying, "Hey, we like you!" Or, "Mmmm, not gonna work out!" Everything just stays a big secret. Until match day.

Chris will "match" with the program that he ranks and that ranks him that matches up closest. And because a simple phone call informing him of this would be too painless easy, some sadist invented match day.

Everyone in the entire class finds out where they match on this day. Together. All at the same time. They're given envelopes to open in front of everyone's friends and family. All together. At. The. Same. Time.

Again, a brutal system.

Right now, life is just a big, anxious, exciting adventure. Because on March 18th, we'll find out where we'll be moving and starting the next phase of the adventure. The planning side of me says that this is unacceptable, the hippie side of me is excited for a surprise and a new place to explore.

Anyway, it's a day that's four years in the making. And whatever place is written on the inside of that envelope, it's an adventure waiting to happen.

I hope that explains a little bit better about exactly where we are in the journey. And boy, is it a journey. But, my partner's pretty cute, so I'll take it.

Have any of you ever experienced a match day, or anything like it? 


  1. I'm with you, it's exciting and scary at the same time not knowing where you're going to be living in less than a year! Can't wait to follow along in this journey!

  2. Geez, that is so stressful. I have known a few people who've gone through similar situations, and I've always boggled at their nonchalance about the whole thing. I'm sitting here in a similar situation, but weirdly I still have control over it though it doesn't feel like it! Crossing my fingers for both of you, because I'm sure it'll be brilliant either way xx (If you have a spare set of fingers, could you cross a few for me as well? My potential move/decision stuff is coming up in AUGUST!! Eeek!)

  3. It sounds like a very intense (way more intense) way you get into a sorority.

  4. One of my bffs just got matched this March! She was pretty stressed about it all, but very happy with her match. They've just moved from MO to TN and she starts work in July!

  5. So exciting! Just stumbled upon your blog and I love it! Keep up the good work! Headed over to check out your book now!

  6. Sounds similar to a sorority recruitment! You rank them, they rank you...if you rank each other...BOOM your matched. And every girl who's going through recruitment finds out in the same room. So it's really awkward because you might get the sorority you wanted but the girl next to you didn't. It could get awkward. But getting matched for your residency program sound WAY WAY more stressful! Wishing him (and YOU!) luck in the matching!

  7. Wow what an intense ending to 4 years! Sending good vibes your way that he gets matched with the right choice for both of you ;-)

  8. i got goosebumps reading this! I am so excited for yall. i know this is such an intense buildup but i know it will all be worth it. can't wait to hear where!

  9. What a crazy process!!! How exciting/scary all at the same time! :)

  10. So excited for you that he's in his fourth year now! Has he picked a specialty? Are y'all hoping to stay close to home? Match Day is definitely a terrible way to do it. I was so glad Chris didn't go to one of those schools where everyone goes on stage and opens the envelope individually and says the place into the microphone.

  11. That sounds crazy. I'm very interested. I never knew it happened like that!

  12. While I know the two don't even compare, the match process almost reminds me of sorority rush! The suspense of not knowing is the worst, but I'm sure it will all work out for the best in the end! Best of luck on the rest of the journey!!

  13. That sounds like a fun thing to have to go through but very nerve wracking not being able to plan for it!! Thanks for the insight, I had no idea!

  14. Wow! That sounds exciting and scary all at the same time!! Excited to see where y'all end up! I hope that you can enjoy the process leading up to match day as match day sounds nerve-wracking!!
    :) Rebecca

  15. Sounds terrifying! What is his speciality?

  16. Oh man I didn't realize how the matching process's like sorority recruitment but way more intense!

  17. I have been able to relate to quite a few of your 'med school' posts, just because my dad is a doctor and not only have I heard all the stories but have also had similar things happen to me as they have to you (dr.'s wife and dr.'s daughter kinda thing) ;) BUT- holy crap! I've not heard of Match Day.. I wonder if they had that back when my dad was in school, I'll have to ask. Fingers crossed for your hubby, Chelsea!

  18. Very interesting! So when you know where Chris has his residency, you're just expected to pick up and move? How much time do they give you guys!?

  19. So I work at a big hospital with tons of residents and fellows and had NO idea about match day! It sounds just purely and completely awful! Big props to all of them who go through that whole process- yikes!

  20. I have a friend who's husband just went through match day and all the stress it causes. I don't know exactly what you are going through, but having my husband attend law school in a different state was very hard and stressful as well. Thank goodness there isn't anything as sadist as match day (or more schooling) after law school, but it was still stressful to learn where he would be placed for his clerkship. Luckily it's only a hour away and we are staying in the general area. You are so strong and this is a fun adventure for you! Live it up while you're young and free. Is your job flexible?

  21. Best of luck to your husband and to you with all of this!! So awesome that you have stuck with him through all of it! I'm sure it is a challenge!! Happy Friday!

  22. I have never heard of match day before! Sounds crazy stressful. Wishing you the best of luck <3

    Jennifer Ashley

  23. When you were talking about match day it reminded me of call day, which I just heard about this year (even though I'm the daughter of a pastor), where everyone who is graduating from the seminary receives their call (or doesn't receive one? I didn't think everyone had one when they left the seminary). I didn't realize there was a day where all these guys and their poor spouses find out where they might be moving to.

    Good luck to you two as you await Match Day! That sounds incredibly stressful, but also incredibly exciting!

  24. Oh my gosh, so stressful! I can't imagine your fate lying within an envelope. I wouldn't be able to handle the anticipation. It is similar with my husband - since he plays hockey overseas we have no idea where the future will bring us. It's hard to be comfortable with the unknown!



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