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Thursday, February 18, 2016

30 Things to Say No to For The Best Year of Your Life.

1. Saying negative things about yourself.

2. Worrying about the future so much that you miss out on how good right now is.

3. Saying yes out of guilt.

4. Pushing snooze more than once.

5. Thinking that being kind means letting others walk all over you.

6. Never making a plan.

7. Saying no to things just because they weren't a part of the plan.

8. Constantly comparing your life/progress/self to someone else.

9. Buying things you can't afford.

10. Being afraid to try new things.

11. Procrastinating.

12. Never putting yourself first.

13. Voicing negativity more than positivity.

14. Skipping breakfast.

15. Doubting yourself.

16. Trying to force yourself to like whatever is popular at the current moment.

17. Needing to go out and spend money in order to feel like you had a fun night.

18. Caring too much about what other people think.

19. Missing out on the world around you because you're looking at your phone all the time.

20. Letting menial tasks pile up just because you don't like doing them (hello, laundry).

21. Being too busy to enjoy the little things in life.

22. Judging others.

23. Settling for less than.

24. Rudeness.

25. Being uninformed about what's going on around you.

26. Never putting yourself first.

27. Gossiping.

28. Being so serious all the time.

29. Making excuses for why you're not going after your dreams.

30. Beating yourself up over past mistakes.

Also read: 30 Things to Say Yes to For The Best Year of Your Life. 

What do you say no to for a better life?


  1. Amen. I need to be better about saying no to all of these things.

  2. Love this-- I need to work on so many of these!

  3. I must must must stop with the snooze button.

  4. So many good points. I still struggle with being nice (especially being in the hospitality industry) versus letting people think that it's a weakness, not a strength.

  5. This list is on point! Hitting snooze and skipping breakfast really are two of my worst problems.

  6. This is AMAZING!!! I constantly get guilted into saying yes to things that I should say no to. That's what I need to work on the most!

  7. Such a great list! I know that I would be a lot happier if I said no to saying negative things about myself or doubting myself. I'm also super guilty of thinking about the future too much!

  8. This is a great list; I like the one about not hitting snooze more than once! That can turn into a bad habit FAST ;-)

  9. This is such a good list! I absolutely struggle most with the snooze button, but I do enjoy not feeling rushed in the mornings.

  10. Can I just live by the not buying things you cant afford. I'm so guilty of that and I already have so much stuff its ridiculous!

  11. This is perfect. So many things I need to say no to!

  12. This is a great list! I know I can improve on a lot of them, but I think the hardest is to not let laundry pile up...ha!

  13. 29. Making excuses for why you're not going after your dreams.

    This is the one I need to keep in mind. Great post!

  14. This is such a wonderful post! I really needed to read this today. Thanks so much <33

    Edye //

  15. Such a good list! Need to work on the comparison thing....

  16. I don't think you left anything out. So true. All these things are so important. I like #2. I'm so bad about stressing over the future. I have a quote on my wall that reminds me to live in the present moment.

  17. #19 -- YES!!! So important to remember these days.

  18. I love this, Chelsea!! I nodded my head in agreement with you as I read each and every thing on your list! So glad I found your blog!!

    Xox Dana Ivy //

  19. I love this, Chelsea!! I nodded my head in agreement with you as I read each and every thing on your list! So glad I found your blog!!

    Xox Dana Ivy //

  20. LOVED this! :-) Saved it for future reference!

  21. I love this list! I definitely need to remind myself of these things on a daily basis.

  22. I'm focusing on #29 these days.

  23. Love this xx Especially number 29 (agree!) xx Beautiful thoughts, friend xx

  24. so so so so soooo true! I am so guilty of so many of these things! Time to say no to BS!

  25. I agree with so many of these - definitely need to implement some of the others too. Great post!

    Meg | A Little Twist Of…

  26. This is so so true, time to put myself first in 2016!

  27. I think I might just print this and keep it by the mirror :)

  28. 17 is definitely one my friends need to understand!! This is a great list :)


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