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Thursday, February 11, 2016

One Month With Jack. AKA, All of the Pictures.

Week One:

This was the first picture I took of you in the hospital...something that you made very clear right away is that you LOVE your hands. You need them by your face at all times. Swaddle or no swaddle, you're gonna find a way to get those hands where you want them. 

In the hospital, we just took turns holding and staring at you. It felt so surreal that you were here, that you were real, and that you were ours. 

We took you home, and you fit right in. You loved your new house, and getting to meet your big brother, Gatsby. 

We bundled you up for your first doctor's appointment (you did great!), and you decided to show us what is one of my absolute favorite things about you: You give the world's best side-eye. It is hilarious. 

Your first week brought a very, very important day (other than, you know, being born and all of that): Your first trip to Target. You found it relaxing, so obviously you take after me.

When you were a week old, you flashed us a smile. You actually smiled at me in the hospital when they were wheeling us to our room, but I managed to get a (blurry) picture of this one. It will probably be my screen saver forever. 

Week Two: 

You got your first bath. You hated every single second of it, but didn't mind being wrapped up after. 

You made it pretty clear that you're not the biggest fan of sleeping at night. However, you're a huge fan of snuggling, and will go right to sleep if you're snuggled with us. 

I discovered the magic of baby-wearing, and it has been life changing. You feel like you're being snuggled and I have both my hands. It's a win-win. 

You continue to crack us up with your hilarious little facial expressions.

 Megan came and took your newborn pictures. 

You went for your first outdoor walk in your lasted about 90 seconds before going to sleep. 

Week Three: 

You keep flashing these sleepy smiles when you're milk drunk. Also, you still need your hands right by your face.

 We discovered that if we put you in your raccoon suit, you sleep much better. I don't know what kind of magic it has, but it makes me call you a wild thing and say things like "let the wild rumpus begin!" and "I'll eat you up, I love you so!" Every time you wear it. 

Your second doctor's appointment was much better than your first, because it included your first trip to Chick-Fil-A!

 We got dressed up and Chris took us on a date to my favorite sushi place! You were worth it, but 9 months without sushi was hard! 

 Grandma came to visit you and took you to Chili's!

 We introduced you to our favorite hang out spot in the sunshine-the rooftop!

Week Four: 

You watched your first football game with Grandpa, which just happened to be the Superbowl. 

Side-eye game: Still strong.

This is my favorite face you make. It makes me laugh out loud every time I see it.

Happy one month, little buddy. Thanks for making us a family. 


  1. So many adorable pictures of little man! How adorable that he loves his hands, and his first trip to Target?! LOVE But my favorite is Gatsby looking over protectively <3
    Green Fashionista

  2. What a cutie! You can already tell he's going to be a little heartbreaker! ;)

  3. I bet you can just stare at him all day! TOO cute. Love that he's already been to his first rooftop!

  4. He is so stinkin' cute! But that Raccoon outfit? That might be my favorite out of all of these!

  5. He is so sweet and cute!!!! I love how you documented his first month, such a cute and fun idea! :) That raccoon outfit is to cute for words!!

  6. Oh he is just amazing!!! This made my heart ache a little.. he looks a lot like my 4 year old did when he was born.. and so many feelings rushed back to me! Looks like you are rocking motherhood!!!!

  7. So sweet! Jack is adorable. You're so blessed!

  8. So much sweetness, I can't even handle it!

  9. Love all of these! New babies are amazing and tiring and so darn special, soak up every second;)

  10. He is so PRECIOUS!!! You guys all look like you are doing so great- love all these pictures! :)

  11. Oh my goodness he's just precious!! Love that last little family pic <3

  12. Baby fever levels are insane over here after this! I love his side eye, smiles, and other facial expressions. That picture of Gatsby checking him out is so so so great. And I didn't realize just how tiny he was until that picture of you holding him before your sushi date!

  13. He is so beautiful! Congratulations! :)

  14. Congratulations! I can't believe it's been a month already! He's too cute!

  15. Love the photo with Gatsby looking over, the yawn, and the newborn pic portrait. But my favorite is probably the rooftop photo!

    Thanks for sharing.

  16. Omg I'm sitting in my cubicle with tears because this is just too darn sweet and cute!!!! That pic with your doggie just slayed my heart! Congratulations! He is adorable!!! =)

  17. LOVE! Bring on all the photos :) I can't believe it's been one month already.

  18. Such a cutie pa-tootie!! I can't believe it's already been one month.

  19. GAHHHHHH!!!!! So cute!!! Congratulations again! Has it seriously already been a month?!

  20. Ahh what a charming little guy! I love all his fun expressions - and you are so right, he does have amazing side eye, ha ha :) And baby yawns are the best! Confession: I ate cooked sushi while I was pregnant, but I still felt a little guilty, like it was so wrong, ha ha :)

  21. Oh my word, I cannot handle the cuteness! What a little doll. That raccoon suit is just too much, awww so cuddly!

  22. So beautiful! My baby falls straight asleep in her "raccoon suit" too, though I call it a snuggle bear suit :)

    <3 dani

  23. Those eyes! The side eye is the cutest thing ever! Love the raccoon suit. :)

  24. So very cute. He is so handsome. I love seeing how much he has changed even over the course of the month. His eyes are amazing!!!

  25. What a beautiful boy! That raccoon suit is awesome, haha. :)

  26. Love love love these pictures! And that sling is fantastic--what kind is it???

  27. That smile is the sweetest thing I've ever seen! It just melts your heart! He is so sweet and you pictures are beyond beautiful!

    xx, Caitlin

  28. He is so adorable! I love pictures of babies yawning. It's just the cutest thing ever.

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Etsy

  29. OMG I am dyinggggg he is so precious. We love laughing at Aiden's funny faces, too!! And milk drunk snuggles are the best! Also, your little family is so beautiful. Way to go, mama :)

  30. Oh man! These pics are so precious!! What a happy little family you have, Chelsea! I am so happy for you! :) Also, I totally love his expressions - they crack me up, too! So cute!

  31. He is absolutely precious! Love all these beautiful photos!

  32. The side eye! Oh my word. This makes me miss my snuggle newborn even though mine isn't even that big. Ah! Glad things are going so well for you.

  33. He seriously could not be any cuter. The little wild thing outfit, oh my goodness it is so perfect! He is such a handsome little boy with the best little facial expressions <3

  34. That first month is just the best, it's full of cuddles and love. Enjoy your little blessing <3

  35. He's the sweetest little guy around! I can't believe he's a month old already!

  36. Okay-- Baby fever to the max over here now. He is super adorable. And so cuddly! Happy One Month Old, Jack! :)

  37. gah! baby yawns! I can't get enough!

  38. He's just precious and you've done a great job capturing so many moments and facial expressions. Oh, and you look incredible, Mama!

  39. Eva loves her hands too! I can't keep them contained, they always find their way near her face. Jack is adorable and you look great!

  40. SOOOO adorable! Also, you look amazing. xo

  41. Oh my gosh Chelsea he is so precious! What a doll! You're making me anxious for our little guy to get here! Love his side eye, haha!

  42. Chelsea! His smiiiiile- I'm dying, seriously SO sweet. He's the cutest little babe, thank you for sharing all the pictures!

  43. He is SOOOO adorable! The side eye is hysterical!

  44. This just made me grin ear to ear. His side eye is the greatest, but I love his little smiles too. Congrats!!!


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