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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Letters to Jack || O N E M O N T H


Happy one month of being alive, little guy! You've had quite the month-you've gone from not even being born yet to the hospital to your new've met so many people and learned so many new things. You've become so much more alert and started following people with your eyes, really being able to see's so much fun to watch. I wonder what your little mind thought about all the change this month.

One month in, and I can truly say that you've changed me forever. Of course, I knew that would happen. But now that you're here, it's a whole new world.

To be quite honest, I was a little worried for you. Your dad and me weren't planning on being parents so soon, and while we tried our best to get ready for you, we didn't exactly know a lot (or anything, really) about how to be parents. I worried if you would be able to tell, or if you would somehow miss out on things because of us. I don't worry about that anymore-we may still be winging it, but I like to think the amount of love we have for you makes up for that. You may not have been born into a family that had been preparing for your arrival for years and brought you home to a top-of-the-line nursery, but a lot of babies are born to people who don't really love each other, and you'll never have to worry about that.

Before you were here, I spent a lot of time wondering what kind of mom I would be. Mom. That word still sounds so weird when I say it in reference to myself. And really, I still don't know how to answer that question. I still don't know if I'm a "good" mom, because who knows how to define that?

But I do know that as long as I'm around, you will be fiercely loved. That you will always have a snuggle partner in me. That you have two parents who love each other like crazy, and who love you more than anything else. That you will grow up learning how to have fun. 

I know that long after you've outgrown the snuggle stage...when you're not a baby and you don't need me as much anymore, I will still be your biggest fan, no matter what. You will grow up in a house that teaches you the important things: That pizza is always an excellent choice for dinner, that taking adventures to new places is more important than buying nice things, that nothing brings more happiness than having a puppy, and that you can do absolutely anything you put your mind to. You'll move mountains one day, my little love.

Happy one month to you. Your funny little personality and your snuggles and your side eye have made this the best month of my life.

I love you, my little wild thing.


  1. I love the idea of letters for little ones as they grow for them to look back on one day :)

  2. one month! happy one month of being a mama to you as well!

  3. That's so crazy that it's already been a month! He's so loved!

  4. This is so great! I love this idea. Jack is lucky to have you guys as parents! I'm sure he knows how much he is loved! :)

  5. Oh my goodness! That picture of him with the fox is the cutest little face i've ever seen.

  6. I want to add that emoji with the heart eyes all over the dang place. Too cute.

  7. Happy 1 month to your little cutie! Such a beautiful letter to your son <3
    Green Fashionista

  8. This post spoke deeply to me :) I sometimes worry or doubt my future capabilities, simply because I don't know much about newborns or babies in general. But whew, you nailed it--- your little guy to parents who love him and love each other, and that is all that truly matters♥

  9. So very sweet. I don't think any of us have it all figured out. I planned for babies for a long time and I still don't have it figured out. I am just trying to be the best mom. And that word still gets me too. Jack is so sweet! Thanks for sharing your letter to him!

  10. What a wonderful memento of this time in your life (and for baby Jack to look back on one day as well!)

  11. Happy one month, Jack! Here's to many, many more adventures with your sweet Momma. :)

  12. Girl, don't you worry. We are ALL winging it!

    -Katie @ Live Half Full

  13. Jack is seriously so adorable. Happy one month, little guy!

  14. So sweet! And how awesome that you have the blog to document it all on!

  15. Gah, he is the cutest! I'm two kids into this motherhood thing, and while I'm wildly confident, I'm still figuring it out. ;-)

  16. Everything about this was so so sweet. Happy 1 month to Jack!

  17. Oh my gosh, all your fox stuff just makes me squeal! And of course you have the cutest little model! He's so great!

  18. wow one month already?! beautifully written and captured

  19. Oh my goodness, what a little cutie! Love that first picture of him surrounded by books! Congratulations on your new family!

  20. So sweet. Thank you for sharing this!

  21. I love this letter Chelsea! You (and Jack) will love looking back on all of these early memories one day!

  22. This is beautiful! I love love love writing letters to my babies too. It flies by so fast. You're doing awesome! Gorgeous photos, gorgeous baby!

  23. Stop it!! I have a 13 month old and I wish I thought of this idea when he was first born. Maybe for baby #2?? If I do this on my blog, I will give you allll the credit - don't worry! PS Jack is absolutely adorbs!

    Xox Dana Ivy //


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