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Monday, April 3, 2017

Spending Your April: A To-Do List for Adventuring Through the Month.

1. Write your biggest dream down on a sticky note and put it somewhere you'll see it every day.

2. Spend some time thinking about your priorities. See if your day-to-day life reflects the priorities you want to have. If not, just change that! 

3. Start a summer calendar. An actual paper calendar on the wall where you can write out all your summer plans. 

4. Write someone a letter.

5. Spring clean!

6. Try your hand at planning your meals ahead of time. See if it saves you money! 

7. Buy a new outfit for Easter. 

8. Pick a few words that you want to describe you and assign a word to a day. Do you want to be more kind? Go through an entire day thinking about that, looking for ways to be extra kind. 

9. Make a wish list of books you want to read. And then get yourself a library card and read them for free.

10. Spring break. If you don't get a spring break anymore (WHY is this not a thing as adults?), take a weekend and make it your spring break. A beach trip or a lazy weekend or whatever you want! 

11. Find a workout you like and stick to it for the month of April.

12. Make someone an Easter basket.

13. Look up any fun Easter events in your area. Pro tip-churches in your area probably offer a lot of free things the week of Easter.

14. Pick strawberries. 

15. Plant something. 

16. Celebrate Easter! 

17. Make an effort to slow down. You don't have to respond to every email right away. You don't have to have a jam-packed weekend for it to be a good weekend. Slow it down a little.

18. Go buy discounted Easter candy. Starburst jellybeans forever and ever, amen. 

19. Plan a road trip. To see an old friend, or to see a city you've been thinking about. 

20. Build your own firepit. We did this and I love it! I see s'mores all summer long in our future. 

21. Delete your texts. I did this and it feels SO GOOD. I only kept the ones of people I talk to on a normal basis, so I no longer have pages and pages to scroll through. I know it feels scary, like you're going to need them for some reason, but I haven't realized I deleted anything important yet! 

22. Buy spring colored nail polish.

23. DIY shaved ice. 

24. Go for more walks. 

25. Start planning a summer vacation. 

26. Get in touch with an old friend. A text or an email, it's really not hard to get in touch these days! 

27. Spend an afternoon in the park. 

28. Hunt down an ice cream truck. 

29. Look at the areas you spend the most money and see if you can change that. Do you spend a ton of money eating out? Try your hand at making cooking enjoyable. Spend a lot of money going out with friends? Try inviting them over for drinks and dinner instead. 

30. Eat dinner outside. Because that makes any night feel like vacation. 

How will you be spending your month?
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