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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

HEY, you're gonna be okay!

Every now and then, we all need someone to pop in and remind us that we're gonna be okay. I'll be that person today. 

I was talking to a friend last week about some really dark stuff that was happening, and she said, "we're gonna be okay, simply because I don't see another option. That's the only option." And she's right. 

We're gonna be okay. That's the only option I accept. That we make it through the hard times and are okay. That we walk through darkness and are okay. That we trudge through bad news and heartbreak and shock and we are okay. 

You are going to be okay. If things are dark, just hold on. I promise, the light comes back eventually, and you will be okay. If you feel like the people who are supposed to love you aren't doing that, I'm sorry. That sucks beyond words. But hold on, because you are going to be okay. 

You woke up today, and that's a really great start. And maybe the sun is shining, and it feels amazing. Or maybe the weather is gloomy and it's the perfect cozy weather. Maybe you'll have a really great cup of coffee, or eat your favorite dinner. Whatever today has in store for you, there's something about it that can be considered okay. Good, even. 

I think sometimes we need to confront the shortness of life. To look it right in the face and remember that this is all painfully temporary. And I refuse to spend the short time we have here believing anything other than this: We're all gonna be okay.

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