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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Spending March: A To-Do List For Adventuring Through Your Month.

1. Practice the one minute rule. My goal is to do this for all of March. The general gist of it is that if you come across something that needs to be done that takes less than a minute, you do it right then. 

2. Add a cup of green tea to your day. This is my favorite one. Lots of health benefits, but also it just tastes good! 

3. Eat a meal outside. 

4. Respond to all of your unanswered texts. If it's been too long or you're not gonna answer, delete them. Clutter isn't just messes around the house, it's things like too many unread emails or unanswered messages. 

5. Make a summer reading list. I put this on March's list so that you can go ahead and get on the waiting list for the popular reads at the library, and hopefully get your books in time for summer!

6. Next time your friends want to do something, plan a really fun night in. Order takeout and binge-watch something, cook dinner, drink wine by a fire...some of the best nights I've had with friends have been nights we stayed in. 

7. Make an effort to compliment people out loud. Like something someone wrote? Tell them! Think someone is doing a really good job? Say so!

8. Get some headbands. It's basically summer here, and I rarely do my hair in the summer. It's just too hot and it doesn't last. Headbands to the rescue. I just bought these (all under $4!): 

9. And a hat. See above. This is my favorite

10. Go to Sonic. Something about warm weather makes me neeeeed a cherry limeade. And an ocean water. 

11. Try a new brunch place. 

12. Listen to Kasey Musgrave's new album! The queen is back! 

13. Go to a farmer's market in your town. I went to one last Saturday and came away with all sorts of good stuff I never would have found at a brick and mortar store.

14. Go for a walk during the sunrise. This is becoming my favorite way to start the day. 

15. And for a walk during the sunset. The very best way to wind down after a long day. 

16. Plan a day trip somewhere. Can't afford a vacation right now? It's amazing how much adventure you can fit into a single day. 

17. Celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Funny story: 6 years ago I went to a birthday party that just happened to be on St. Patrick's Day, and it was tacos + margaritas. And it just somehow became my rule that celebrating St. Patrick's day means eating tacos. 

18. Get rid of any mugs you don't use. That way when you're checking out at Marshall's and see a mug you realllllly need, you can buy it. 

19. Check in on a friend you haven't heard from in awhile. 

20. Find a protein powder you actually enjoy. I like this one (with peanut butter!) and this one (with almond butter!). 

21. Take a hot bath. Relaxing for a hot second (ha) does wonders for your mental health. 

22. Go out of your way to be kind to someone. Being kind makes you feel good about yourself, period. And I know that shouldn't be your motivation for being kind, but hey, it's a nice side effect. 

23. Go on a photo-spot scavenger hunt of your city. Go find the colorful walls, the 'gram-worthy backgrounds, all the places begging to have their pictures taken!

24. Make a note (a literal one, if you have to!) of the moments you feel the happiest and the moments you feel least happy. What can you do about that? 

25. Make someone an Easter basket. 

26. Buy something fancy at the grocery store. I have no idea why I'll pay $20 for dinner out, but $10 seems expensive to me when I'm grocery shopping. Treat yo'self to something tasty. 

27. Clean out your bathroom cabinets. I did this last night, and two things happened: 1) I threw out stuff there was never a chance of me using again (like half-used pink hair dye, lotion that had turned yellow, etc.), and 2) I found stuff that I have been buying, not realizing I already had it. 

28. Dye Easter eggs. 

29. Make a pitcher of water + fruit at the beginning of the day. Fruity water is just easier to drink and gives me major vacation vibes. 

30. Make someone a playlist. Throw it back to highschool where the highest form of friendship was a burned CD.

31. Start planning a trip to the beach. No summer should end without seeing the ocean - start planning! 

How will you be spending your March?
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