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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Spending Your May: A To-Do List For Adventuring Through The Month.

1. Get outside! Celebrate the (hopefully?) warm weather and start spending more time outside!  

2. Text a friend and let them know you're praying for them. If you're not a praying person, then that you're thinking of them. A quick text can go a long way. 

3. Find some healthy snacks that you like. For me, the summer means constant snacking. Road trips, beach days, pool days, cookouts...snacks, snacks, snacks. I'm always gonna love some pizza and junk food, but it's nice to have a few healthy snacks (that I enjoy) thrown into the rotation. 

4. Deep clean your house. This isn't fun, but you'll feel so much better when it's done. Promise. 

5. Do something creative. Paint, or write a poem, or make a craft. Something that gets your creative mind working!

6. Take a reading break. Outside in the sun, preferably! 

7. Make a running to-do list. Things that you know you need to get to, but aren't super pressing this very day. Having this list helps me not be stressed when random things I need to eventually do pop into my brain - I just add them to the list!  

8. Go to a yard sale. People have yard sales when they have too much stuff, which means sometimes, you can find really amazing things for really amazing prices, simply because they wanna get rid of them!

9. Back up your phone pictures. Most people don't think about doing this until it's too late!

10. Get a hammock. There's nothing like swinging in a hammock while the sun goes down during the summer. 

11. Buy a baseball cap. They're really cute, they keep the sun out of your face, and you don't have to do your hair. Win, win, win.

12. Branch out and find your favorite summer drink. Last summer was the summer I fell in love with LaCroix. This year it's Fiesty Cherry Diet Coke. 

13. Get some cheap sunglasses. You're (probably) going to lose them or break them anyway. 

14. Look up outdoor concerts near you. 

15. Learn how to use a grill. If you already know how to, then try some new recipes on that baby!

16. Throw out old bathing suits that you know you're not going to wear this summer.

17. Go out for breakfast. The more hole-in-the-wall the place, the better.

18. Bake a cake. I can't remember the last time I baked a cake! 

19. Hang up some string lights. An instant whimsical, good mood.

20. Look up happy hours around you. I was great at this in Orlando, but I need to do this here! Lots of places have a big happy hour menu, and who doesn't love a bunch of appetizers for dinner?

21. Use your crockpot more. I know crockpot meals are often thought of as a fall and winter thing, but there's something so nice about not having to cook dinner during the summer...just throw some ingredients in and be done with it!

22. Write down or print off some quotes that inspire you. Put them around your house for mini boosts of inspiration throughout your day.

23. Buy all of the fruit! Summer fruit is the best fruit.

24. Spend a day on the water. By a pool, on a boat, at the beach...any water! 

25. Make an effort to slow down every day. A sunset walk or a bubble bath or a chapter of a good book...just take some deep breaths and enjoy your life at a slower pace for a small fraction of your day.

26. Get this after sun lotion. If you're going to be in the sun at all this summer, you need it. I actually use it every day, whether I'm in the sun or not, because it just smells like vacation and that makes me happy. 

27. Sit outside and just look at the stars. If you live in the city, you might have to drive a bit for this one, but it's worth it. Nothing centers me quite like that. 

28. Make homemade ice cream. A summer staple! 

29. Have a movie night. You know, for those movies that you say you're going to go see in theatres, but never quite make it there. 

30. Next time you have to run errands, grab your favorite coffee beforehand. Makes grocery shopping a little better. 

31. Get a disposable camera and get it developed at the end of summer. No worrying about if you got a good picture or how you should filter it, just snap and be surpised later! 

How will you be spending this month?
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