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Monday, October 1, 2018

Spending October: A To-Do List For Adventuring Through The Month.

HAPPY OCTOBER! The last three months of the year are my's the moooooosssssttt wonderful time of the yearrrrrrrr...and it's here! Yay! Here's some ideas for how to spend these magical 31 days.

1. Make a decision to finish the last 90 days of 2018 strong. Because ready or not, here we are.

2. Make a fall "must-do" lists. Listen. The last three months of the year? They fly. So write down the things you really want to do and make them a priority, or they might not (probably will not) happen.

3. If you haven't yet, get some fall candles. It doesn't have to be pumpkin or apple, just anything that makes you feel cozy when you light it. 

4. Get your kid and / or pet a Halloween costume. Animal costumes will never not be funny to me. Jack and Gatsby both got dressed up in their costumes for months after Halloween was over. 

5. Go to Trader Joe's and check out their vast selection of fall stuff. If you don't live near one, it's worth a road trip. They really shine this time of year. So. Much. Pumpkin. 

6. Take your TJ finds on a picnic. Whenever it's cool enough to sit outside for five minutes without sweating (so, not here yet), I immediately think of picnics. There's something so nice about eating outside, no TV or distractions.

7. Make an "Autumn in New York" Station. I recommend this every year because it is just the best. Instant fall mood. 

8. Have friends over for a fire. Make s'mores. It's fall's version of a cookout. 

9. Go to a fair. Nothing says October like cotton candy and corn dogs. 

10. Go to a pumpkin patch. Take all the pictures. 

11. Sneak your pet into a pumpkin patch and take all the pictures. (Preferably in their costume).

12. Make caramel apples. PS: Does anyone know why this got labeled a fall thing? They're delicious!

13. Read a thriller. I read one every October...any recommendations for this month's choice?

14. Carve pumpkins. But don't leave them on the porch in the Florida heat, because they will rot and stain your concrete. Not that I know this, or anything.

15. Bake your favorite fall treats. 

16. Make a list of people you'll be buying Christmas gifts for. Trust me, it's gonna sneak up on you. Put a list in your phone so when you see gifts or have ideas, you can write them down.

17. Take advantage of cooler nights (whenever they come) and open your windows. It's just refreshing and let fresh air in your house. 

18. Get some mums for your front door. They're less than $10 at Home Depot and they brighten up any area.

19. Try a new soup recipe. I could eat soup for every meal any time, but fall makes me want soup allll the time. 

20. Rent a carpet cleaner. This might not seem like an exciting thing, but it totally is (or maybe I'm just getting old). We got a carpet cleaner on super clearance a few months ago, and it is amazing how much cleaner my house feels when I use it. Trust me. Try it.

21. Go to Goodwill. I am constantly amazed by the nice things I find there.

22. Get a coffee frother. I've been using this one and it makes coffee so much better.

23. Go through your summer clothes and sell or donate ones you don't wear. It's freeing to have your closet limited to-wait for it-clothes you actually wear.

24. Have a scary movie night. If you're like me and cannot do scary movies, have a thriller movie night. 

25. Spend more time outside. Going for walks, sitting and drinking coffee, whatever you like. Get more fresh air this month.

26. Get yourself a floppy hat. Or a beanie, or a scarf, or something that feels "fall-ish" and makes you happy when you wear it. 

27. Try this almond toffee coffee. If you need a break from all the pumpkin flavors, this one is delicious.  

28. Take some freakin' breaks. Seriously, we're heading into the busiest and most stressful (if you let it be) season of the year. Take care of yourself.

29. While you're taking a break, watch the sunrise or sunset. Don't forget how beautiful the world we live in is. 

30. Stock up for trick-or-treaters. And yourself, let's be real.

31. Celebrate Halloween! Please send pictures of your pets and kids in their costumes, thank you very much. 

How will you be spending October?
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