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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

let's say thank you together.

Yesterday was a day. Some. Kinda. Day

I woke up this morning so ready for a fresh day, so ready to take on this day and make it so much better than yesterday was. The best way I know how to start that is with coffee (obviously) and gratitude. So I'm sitting in bed with my coffee, about to write my thankful list, and I thought, you know what? Let's do it together today. 

 Whether you had the best day or the worst day or some kind of day in between yesterday, taking some time to shift your perspective to one of gratitude can make today so much better, I promise. 

So today, I'm thankful for: 

1. A new planner. I got this planner in the mail on Monday and it was just the motivation I needed to get organized. 

2. Easy dinners. There are times and seasons where I love cooking and love looking up new recipes and spending lots of time in the kitchen. This is not one of those seasons. Give me all the burrito bowls and pasta and anything else that takes approximately 15 minutes to throw together. 

3. Stick on nails. I have these on right now and honestly they look so good that they make me feel like I have my life together. It's the little things, you know?

4. Ice roller. I woke up with a puffy face today and AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT. I swear by this $10 little gem I got on Amazon. It feels amazing. 

5. My family, blood and not. I won the freakin' family lottery, let me tell you. But beyond that, the friends that have chosen to be my family? Gosh. Overwhelmed with gratitude for them. 

What are YOU thankful for today?
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