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Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday Live Blog

Oh hey good morning! I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love a good live blog. It's basically a chance to just type out a whole bunch of thoughts that are completely unrelated to each other and call it a blog post. 

I'm up insanely early today, because Jack starts VPK! Or as I have been calling it when talking to him about it, baby school. Every day I've told him, "Jack loves baby school!" Even though I have a strong suspicion that when I drop him off today, he will not, in fact, be the biggest fan. 

The last few weeks have been weird, because they have been SO HARD (on a multitude of levels), but they've also left me with renewed motivation for lots of stuff in my life. I'm not sure why, or if the two are related, but I'm rolling with it. 

Speaking of new motivation, I'm back on my you-know-what with working out. I don't love working out in the moment, I just don't. I wish I was one of those people who craved it, but I'm not. I am, however, one of those people who loves it after the moment, who realizes she always feels better after working out and has decided it's just not worth it to skip it. I've been doing pure barre at home workouts, and lots of Blogilates workouts (like this ab one - short, doable, and you'll 10/10 feel it the next day). 

File this under things currently making my life easier: Walmart grocery pick up. I can wake up, make a grocery list while still under the covers, and then take my coffee and drive up so someone can load my groceries in my car for me while I'm still in my pajamas. Magic? I think so. 

I hope you have the best Monday ever. What's on your agenda today? If you need me, I'll probably be crying into my coffee (kidding, but also maybe not) because BABY SCHOOL. Kloveyoubye. 
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