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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Spending April: A To-Do List for Adventuring Through the Month.

Have the first few days of April treated you nicely? I know we already established that April is my favorite because #birthdaymonth, but I love it for so many other reasons. It feels fresh and new and full of possibilities. Summer is right around the corner, days are longer, and it just feels like a good month, anyone else think so? 

Anyway, a fresh month means a fresh to-do list, so here are some of the things I think you should do with your new month: 

  • Watch a sunrise with your coffee and no phone. Okay, you can take a picture with your phone, but then put it away!
  • Plan a summer vacation. Whether you can afford to fly somewhere tropical or just take a weekend at home, both can be so fun if you take the time to plan them out!
  • Write an April mantra for yourself. Write it down, stick it somewhere you'll see it every day, say it out loud often. It can be as simple as "I can do it." But something encouraging and life-giving!
  • Make someone a personalized Easter basket. With their favorite candy!
  • Find a smoothie recipe you like. Look, life is all about balance. I want to be good to my body. I also am not giving up pasta or pizza anytime soon. Smoothies help me balance. It's an easy way to fit a bunch of healthy things into your day. If you can find one you like, it makes being healthy a whole lot easier. PS: If you need some suggestions, I'm your girl. 
  • Hit up the TJ Maxx candle aisle. The last three candles I've bought have been from there and they're so good! And a lot cheaper than they would be anywhere else, which is a win. 
  • Make a vacation guide for your city. If someone was visiting your town, where would you recommend they spend their vacation at? It can be easy to grow immune to all the fun stuff your town has, so sit down and make a list!
  • Make a summer reading list. 
  • And a summer bucket list. Can you tell I love summer?
  • Look at the top three things you complain about the most. Then do one of two things. One, decide to try to change them, if possible. Or two, find something about them to be thankful for, and repeat that to yourself every day. Example: Your job. Is it possible to look for new jobs right now? If so, awesome! Stop complaining, start looking! If it's not a good time for that, tell yourself every day that you're thankful for a paycheck. It can suck to make yourself be thankful for things you don't like, but it's healthy and can greatly change your mood.
  • Invest ($10) in an ice roller. The epitome of bougie on a budget. 
  • Bake cookies. Or brownies, or whatever treat you like! 
  • Do one small thing a day strictly because it makes you happy. More small happy moments in April, please. 
How will you be spending your April?

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