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Thursday, November 19, 2015

32 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

Gatsby took the bassinet being set up to remind us all of who the real baby of the house is. I seriously cannot wait to see him and the baby together...I really do think they'll be best friends. 

  • We started getting serious about making room for the baby this week! We sold our sectional to make room for his crib and rocker and all that goes along with it. Because we live in a teeny tiny studio, and-I don't know if I've mentioned this before-renewed our lease three days before I found out I was pregnant. So this is make it work time, people. 
  • I washed all his tiny clothes this week. It blows my mind that a human being can be so small that they can fit into those itsy bitsy pants (that definitely have a little fox on the butt)...I'm pretty sure I won't believe that until I actually see it. 
  • I'm definitely freaking out more this week. For starters, it is my professional medical opinion that Jack grew three sizes overnight. It's like I woke up to find a bowling ball in my stomach. A very strong bowling ball that has decided to nestle his feet under my ribs and practice kickball. Secondly, this whole time, I've known that the last bit was going to go by the quickest..I've said that the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas flies by more than any other time of the year, so I know once Thanksgiving hits, he'll be here before we know it. Well, guess what next week is? THANKSGIVING. AKA pretty much Christmas, AKA almost Jack's birthday. 
32 weeks down, 8 weeks to go. Until then, I'm just focusing on enjoying every second of this holiday season with just Christopher and me-next year will be much different! 


  1. Gatsby in the bassinet is soooo cute! 32 weeks, wow!

  2. Gatsby is too cute! Millie, our goldendoodle, has been very curious about all the baby clothes, toys, and blankets we've been receiving. I'm also excited about seeing her take on the role of big sister!

  3. You are getting so close!! Gatsby is the cutest, I'm sue he'll be great with baby Jack. All the baby clothes are so adorable, isn't so hard to not want to buy it all?

  4. I feel like I'm reliving my pregnancy through you. My baby wasn't born until March, but I remember thinking I could pretend it wasn't happening until the holidays were over. And then I actually had to get ready.

  5. I love this post! Especially the picture of Gatsby :) Baby's clothes are so tiny and adorable!!

    Xo, Megan
    Diary of this Girl

  6. Ah a holiday baby - how exciting! Love those little pants with the fox on the bottom, so adorable!

  7. Baby clothes always make me marvel a little bit. How is it that a thing that needs pants and shoes (oh, ESPECIALLY the baby shoes. They're so teeny and cute they make me want to cry) can be so little. Love that you're documenting every bit of this exciting time!

  8. Ahh, renewing three days before you found out you were pregnant?! Crazy! Isn't life just so funny sometimes ;)

    Gatsby in the bassinet is the cutest. Okay, the baby in the bassinet will be the cutest, but the dog is second!

  9. Those cute little clothes are to die for! I know your pup and the baby will be best of friends :)

  10. Gatsby is seriously the cutest :) He's going to rock with Jack! I actually think its super awesome that you guys live in a smaller place and are able to make it work! So many people think they need tons and tons of space for a baby but you're proof that it can work :)

  11. I mean no words for how cute Gatsby looks in the bassinet!! Home stretch girl!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  12. How adorable is Gatsby taking over the bassinet?! Can't wait to see all the precious pics of doggy and baby <3

    Green Fashionista

  13. This is so cute! My dog used to hang out in my sons swing before he was born. You are getting so close! enjoy every minute of this time!

    xx, EE

  14. I totally agree!!! This month is already going so fast and I know December will go even faster. Can't wait for your little Jack to be here.

  15. Puppy in the bassinet!!! I'm not sure which is cuter: the pup or those cute little outfits!

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Lauren :)

  16. Wow! 32 weeks! With the holidays it will fly by! Loving all his sweet clothes!

  17. awe, so exciting! thanks for the prayers this week and love his little clothes!!! ♥

  18. All of those teeny baby clothes are so adorable...and Gatsby, I can't even begin to describe how cute he is!

  19. Ohhhhh your bassinet is so cute!!! I can't imagine having a baby in such a tiny space but I suppose it'll be so much more cozy that way! Plus it will make you really appreciate more space when you get it! :)

  20. Gatsby is adorable! Baby clothes make my heart go pitter patter. Those pants with the fox on the butt...I die. I can't believe you renewed the lease right before you found out you were pregnant! Ahh crazy timing. You will for sure make it work. :)

  21. Oh baby clothes. Swoon. They are so precious & small & then before you know it you have a 3 & a half year old. ;) Treasure every moment, Mama, even the long ones. By the way, Wyatt has that little bowtie onesie, too.

  22. Gatsby in the bassinet is so adorbs!!

  23. Oh my goodness! Your sweet pup in that bassinet is so cute! I love Shibas! They are so fun and sweet! And yay for only 8 weeks to go!

  24. I can't even handle Gatsby being in the bassinet! Haha.

  25. You are SO close...what an exciting time! My best friend is due December 27th and about a month ago she was really freaking out. I'm sure you'll feel much better in a month, even if you don't feel like it now. I can't wait to see this little guy!

  26. Oh, sweet lady!! I am SO excited for you guys!! That picture of Gatsby, HA! So cute!! (And that bassinet! LOVE. I would love to know where I might be able to find it) ;)

  27. I absolutely love that you have a job named Gatsby! And OMG! Cannot believe that you resigned your lease three days prior. You're going to have a sweet little nugget so soon!!

    xx katie // a touch of teal

  28. this is so exciting. and omg i cannot take those fox butt pants--i can only imagine how precious those are!! gah--so much cuteness!!!

  29. Washing tiny clothes makes it all feel so real doesn't it?! And our cats did the same thing with our little guys Rock N Play, crib, swing, etc. They thought it was all for them. Haha my oh my did they have a rude awakening.

  30. I gotta say, I love the name Jack and all those clothes are so adorable!


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