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Friday, November 13, 2015

Nothing Inspires Me Quite Like Fall & Winter.

nothing inspires me quite like fall and winter

If I had to choose a way to describe life right now, I think I'd say in love. Or maybe enjoyed. Or I'd choose content. Or savor. Or possibly inspired. 

I am just so in love with life right now. I'm in love with Chris being home, and I'm in love with getting to spend so much time with him.

I'm so enjoying how the weather is, how I've been able to break out the boots and sweaters. Only for like an hour in the morning, but still...I'll take what I can get.

I'm so content with where I am. There's so much up in the air right now, like: Where will we match? Will we be happy with it? When will the baby come? What will life be like once he gets here? Will we be able to make everything work? Regardless of the uncertainty, I'm still so perfectly content with this stage. It's unlike me, but even though I have zero of the answers, I have so much peace.

I'm savoring every moment. After spending so much time away from Chris, I'm soaking up even the normal moments as if they might be snatched away from me at any time. And really-isn't that how we should always live? I'm savoring the mugs of pumpkin spiced coffee, the early mornings snuggled under the covers, the nights spent watching movies and feeling the babe move all around, knowing that pretty soon, he'll be moving out in the world with the rest of us.

Being pregnant is hard-for real, it's really freaking hard work-but I'm still savoring this season so very much.

And absolutely nothing makes me feel inspired quite like fall and winter. The scents, the weather, the tastes, the colors, the coziness. The happiness of all that this fall means to me. I just wake up every day feeling so thankful, and so inspired to just live. Sure, sometimes I wake up in pain, or on the verge of throwing up, but even then-I'm still so inspired by this beautiful season.

What's inspiring you lately? 


  1. All amazing things going on for you right now, savor every last drop. And so glad Chris is back home to enjoy these lovely moments with you <3

    Green Fashionista

  2. I feel the same way about my life as well! I am just CONTENT with it all, with my little family and all we do together, and the place we are living at right now. Life is just GOOD, you know?

  3. i'm with you. even though it much colder up here than in florida, it's easy to get through the cold because this time of year is so festive!

  4. Needed this because I have been super depressed about going into winter!

  5. Ah I love how happy you sound! I am inspired by the changing color of the fall leaves, and all my favorite Christmas movies :]

    ​​xx katie // A Touch of Teal

  6. Content is a good place to be. I feel like often times, I'm wanting to fast forward to the next big chapter in life. I'm constantly reminding myself that the small things in life are worth enjoying too, so I tell myself to slow down and enjoy today. I'm working on being content with what I have, while working towards what I want. "Patience Daniel son."

  7. I love this post and YES that is how we should live each and every day. Great reminder tonight!


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