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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Happy Writing! You Can Do it.

The magical month of October has come to a close, and NaNoWriMo 2015 is officially here. And so I wanted to tell you, blogger, writer, poet, can do it.

Remember, the magic doesn't lie in a month, in a deadline, or in a process. The magic lies in you. And whatever writing you are setting out to achieve, you have enough magic inside of you to reach that goal. Whether you do it in November or December or in one year or in can do it. You will do it, so long as you just keep writing.

Whether you're setting out to write a novel or a song or a poem or a story, you've got this. Whether you're writing for the world to see or just for the pages between your journal, there's a reason you should write. 

So write. Keep writing. Write when the words are overflowing out of you and write when you have to pull them out of yourself. Write to understand things, to stay alive, to ask your questions. You are a writer. So write. 

Happy writing...Through November, through the holidays, through 2016, through always. You are a writer, and you can do it.

PS...if you haven't joined The Novel Blogger yet, do it! Sometimes seeing a bunch of other people strive for the same thing you're working towards can be just the encouragement you need. 


  1. <3 Needed this today as I woke up drained (already) from the first two days of NaNoWriMo (and still not yet 3mo post-op from a hip surgery, but--details. ;) )

  2. You are so awesome! I always mean to do this but never do--maybe this year!

  3. Thanks for the encouragement! :) I'm trying to set aside time each week to write, especially this month!

  4. You are amazing. Thank you for the encouragement.

  5. I'm so glad that I joined up with The Novel Blogger because it (and you) have been so encouraging! I'm so excited to get writing!!!

    Lauren :)

  6. Thanks for the motivation! I've been seriously slacking. I'm kind of scared to start. Can't wait to check out the Novel Blogger!

  7. Love all the beautiful positivity that flows from this space of yours <3

    Green Fashionista

  8. This is such positive encouragement! Thanks for it :)

  9. Your blog is gorgeous, first of all. And i love how inspired i get just checking it out!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  10. I'm always impressed by everyone who takes this awesome writing of luck to all who are trying it out!

  11. Awwww......I love how you are pumping everyone up!!! I know that I appreciate it! Thanks!


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