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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Just Us: Our Thanksgiving.

Today is one of my favorite days of the entire year. It's a festive day full of love and chaos and really good food. It's a day that kicks off the Thanksgiving celebrations, and it's a day of celebrating how thankful I really am for Christopher and our marriage.

This will be the third year we've celebrated our own personal Thanksgiving, and it's a tradition I'm so glad we started.

Every year on the day before Thanksgiving, we go to Whole Foods. I think this is probably their busiest day of the year-it's absolutely chaotic, and that's part of the fun! We pretend we're rich for the day and pick out appetizers, drinks, desserts, the whole nine yards. Then we go home and cook everything and have the best night ever, eating delicious food and celebrating life and all we have to be thankful for.

I have never been more thankful for Chris than I am this year. We're right on the cusp of all these big changes, and every day is filled with so much unknown. But in a time where it would be very easy to freak out and miss out on all the good, I'm able to look at my very best friend and know that no matter what, he will be by my side. And because of that, I'm able to cherish every moment.

I love you, Christopher. I've never been so thankful to have such an amazing life partner. You're my babe, forever and always. 

In the hustle and bustle of tomorrow, don't let the holiday pass without taking a minute to tell your significant other that you're thankful for them!


  1. Chelsea, I hope you & Chris (& Gatsby & Baby Jack) have the most amazing day. Have fun shopping, cooking & spending every moment together. This is a great tradition you two started. I know you will do this for many, many years to come. Each year, there'll be more & more memories added. Enjoy every second of them!

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family! I will definitely be telling my best friend, partner in life, how I feel about him this Thanksgiving!

  2. I love this tradition! Enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving today and tomorrow.

  3. That sounds so lovely! I'm also thankful for having such a loving, supportive family, an amazing husband, and a healthy baby on the way! Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Sounds like a great way to celebrate. I hope you and Chris have a beautiful holiday together.

  5. What a great idea to celebrate the day before with just the two of you. PS Whole Foods has the COOLEST stuff (to buy one time a year) ;) Have a great Thanksgiving!

  6. What a fun tradition!! It's out first Thanksgiving alone this year, and I'm actually kind of looking forward to it and the new traditions we create as our own family.

    You are glowing in that picture up there! And not only because there's gold everywhere :)

  7. What a wonderful idea!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  8. I love this tradition! Hope you two have the best day. Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Such a nice tradition! Hope you two have a great Thanksgiving!

  10. I love the idea of a personal Thanksgiving! I also love the kudos you give to Christopher - it's very heartwarming!

  11. I love your personal Thanksgiving tradition! Happy Thanksgiving to you two! :)

  12. I completely adore this tradition. I'm copy cat-ing it to the best of my ability. Have a very happy thanksgiving both tonight and tomorrow.

  13. What a fun tradition Chelsea! This year will be our first Thanksgiving with just my husband and I and no family. We're looking forward to cooking at home together. Hope your Thanksgiving is super special!

  14. Happy Thanksgiving! I love your WH traditions!

    xx katie // a touch of teal

  15. We all have so much be thankful for. Counting my blessings, happy thanksgiving!

    Kaitlyn @

  16. You guys are so great. I love this tradition so much.

  17. I love that y'all have your own tradition of cooking dinner together just the two of you the day before Thanksgiving! What a great way to celebrate the holiday without all the chaos. Plus going to Whole Foods and acting rich is a lot of fun too!

  18. Love your tradition! Taking a few moments amidst the craziness of the holiday to be with your significant other and just be thankful is a wonderful idea <3

    Green Fashionista

  19. What a beautiful tradition! I have never heard of anyone doing this before but what a special way of keeping the holiday special and intimate between you an your spouse! Hopefully Will and I can do this next year! Whole Foods and all! :)

    Sending love and thanks to you Chelsea!

  20. I wish we celebrated Thanksgiving day, it seems like such a beautiful holiday :)


  21. Beautiful thoughts and words, Chelsea!! That sounds like such a fun tradition! My husband and I love picking out fancy meal ideas and cooking together, too! So glad you have such a wonderful man to do life with! :)

  22. I know exactly how you feel! This was my first Thanksgiving as a wife and one of the things I am most thankful for is getting to marry my best friend. I love that you guys have your own Thanksgiving day traditions. I would love to host the dinner each year but ... that might have to wait until we own a house Lol.

  23. Such a sweet picture! Hope your thanksgiving was fabulous :)

  24. :) Sounds like a PERFECT tradition! I'm so excited for you guys!


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