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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy to be Alive, Because: No More Studying & A Flower Discount

1.  Christopher's exam is  o v e r !  We have been hanging out so much that I think my heart might explode from sheer happiness.  PSA:  If you're going to get married, marry someone who you makes you that happy just by spending time with them.

2.  When he came home from his exam, this is what the walls looked like:

"Such done.  Wow.  So finish.  Relax."

3.  And then I got this picture: 

4. We went apartment hunting yesterday!  All.  Day.  Long.  I guess the reason this is on the list is because it means we'll (hopefully!) have a new place downtown soon.  That, and I'm glad that I married  someone that after eight hours of tours and questions and information together, I still want to be married to him.  That's a big deal.  If you don't believe me, go see nine apartments in a row.  Nope.

That's the rooftop at one of the apartments. One can dream, right?! 

5.  My pretty friend Jordyn did a photo shoot with some headbands from my shop, and she looks absolutely stunning.  If you still haven't looked at her pictures, you need to do that immediately.  You will want to drop whatever you're doing and go find yourself a tulle skirt and some flowers for your hair because she makes it look so fantastic.  I can help you with the flowers in your hair part, and you can even take 22% off in her honor with the code TAYLORSWIFT.

What made you happy to be alive this week?

w h i l e   y o u ' r e  h e r e :


  1. Are you and Christopher very similar? My husband and I are not at all but we can both be realistic. Even though we are so different when we were house hunting we were on the same page and never once argued over a place.


  2. Apartment hunting is SO stressful but also exciting! In the past I have become way too intense about it and created color coded venn diagrams and compare/contrast lists and just overall made myself insane over the whole process.

  3. Totally get you on what you mean about apartments and the person you're married too, it's lovely that you feel that way.

    The dog is SUPER ADORBS!!!!!!!!

    And good luck finding a new place.

  4. yeah for number one!! and looking at that many places does not sound too fun! I hope you find a place soon!!

  5. I have been apartment hunting too - it is an utter nightmare. I hope you have had more luck that me!

  6. Apartment hunting is so much fun! I was so stressed when I went through it in November. I remember staying up night after night looking through billions of apartments that looked exactly the same, not to mention when I visited they looked nothing like the pictures but after it's done you feel amazing! xx

  7. Um that rooftop is seriously gorgeous! Enjoy your time together :) !!!


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