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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Christmas Letter to You.

A Christmas Letter

Dear you,

I hope that this Christmas is one of your best yet. I hope that you spend this next week surrounded by people who love you fiercely. If you can't, I hope that memories of those people hug you tightly this week.

I hope that you take time to remember what this season is really all about. I hope that if you haven't really been celebrating this season, that you celebrate to the fullest this week.

I hope you allow some of the wonder and curiosity left over from childhood to shine through this week. I hope you allow yourself to believe that there's some magic left in the world, even if it's just for this week.

I hope that you choose to not let stress weigh you down, no matter how many presents you have to wrap, no matter how many miles you have to travel.

I hope that if this Christmas is hard for you this year because of someone you lost in 2014, that you tell someone. I hope that you choose joy over grief and precious memories over tears.

I hope that you give back this Christmas. Whether it's with your time or your money, whether it's food or a smile, I hope that you get to experience the joy of giving.

I hope that you make this Christmas special for you. I hope you don't let the pressure of the expectations of others change what you do this week. I hope you spend your time how you want to spend your time, that you see the people you want to see, and that you avoid all adult responsibility as much as possible.

I hope that your Christmas is filled with all things merry and bright, with love and joy and magic, with glitter and confetti and wrapping paper with your favorite forest animal on it.

I hope that you laugh at Will Ferrel parading around Central Park in yellow tights, that you tear up a little when Linus reads the Christmas story, and that you fall asleep each night warm, happy, and full of magic in the glow of a Christmas tree.

I hope that this Christmas is magical for you. I hope it goes down in the books as one to remember. Merry, merry Christmas, you beautiful soul.



  1. This is so moving. Definitely brought on a tear or two and I wish the same for you this year!!! To a magical Christmas!

  2. What a wonderful letter! Thank you for sharing! I wish the same to you!

  3. This is beautiful. I wish the same for you Chelsea!

  4. This is so fun! Happy Holidays to you, friend;)

  5. Beautifully written <3

  6. I hope your Christmas is absolutely amazing as well <3

  7. So beautiful it had me tearing up. Thank you for these kind words in this week of chaos! Merriest of Christmases to you!

  8. this is so beautiful! merry christmas to you :)

  9. I hope this Christmas is wonderful for you, too, and rest assured that I will absolutely be cracking up at Will Ferrell prancing around Central Park in yellow tights :) Happy Holidays!
    ~ Samantha

  10. This is too sweet! Merry Christmas to you as well!

  11. Aw <3 Merry Christmas to YOU Chelsea!

  12. Well if that isn't the best Christmas wishes, I don't know what is. I love every single one of those and wish the same for you!

  13. You are a beautiful writer Chelsea and your beautiful words illuminate your beautiful golden heart.

  14. This is so beautiful!! Merry Christmas to you!

  15. I adore this. Thank you so much for posting such a sweet letter to us. I've had a really rough year (well school year) (that I plan to blog about soon) and this is just what I needed to read/hear before the holidays!

    I hope you have the best holiday EVER!! :) Merry Christmas!

  16. So so beautiful Chelsea! You really do have the gift for writing powerful words. I hope your Christmas is all that and more!!

  17. Dear you...I hope all those things for you! Love, N

  18. This is so sweet. Sending all of this love right back to ya!

  19. I hope you have a very merry Christmas, dear girl!

  20. I hope all these things for you as well! This letter is absolutely beautiful. The paragraph about remembering a lost loved one totally made me tear up, as I know two people who have a family member who is imminently nearing the end of their life. I've given lots of hugs and would like to give more!

  21. Your words are so inspiring and genuinely moving. Thank you for being brave and sharing! :] xo

  22. Such a wonderful post. I hope your holiday season is magnificent.

  23. This was absolutely precious! Thank you for writing and sharing these words!


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