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Friday, December 12, 2014

Happy to be Alive, Because: Hot Cocoa Bars & Elf.

1. Christmas memories. We went to see the tree lighting last week, but ended up getting caught standing in the rain.While that normally would have been frustrating, it's hard to get mad about something when there's a gorgeous Christmas-tree all lit up like magic in front of you.

2. Hot Cocoa Bars. 

My mom and I set up a hot coco bar for a Christmas party on Tuesday, and it was adorable. And delicious.

3. Elf.

This is how we ended our weekend--with the greatest movie ever. Have you watched it this season yet?!

4. These pens. You need them. You'll love them. Buy them immediately. I got a brand new pack on Tuesday, and I can't stop journaling and making to-do lists, simply because these pens are so fantastic.

5. Christmas in love. I wrote about it yesterday, but MAN...I love spending Christmas with my partner in life. Sneaking around to hide presents from each other, having someone to share the late night drive home from Christmas parties with, and a billion other things that make my heart feel like it's just going to explode with love. Spending Christmas with my best friend is just my favorite thing in the world.

What made you happy to be alive this week?


  1. That hot cocoa bar is adorable! Y'all did a great job. :)

  2. That IS a super adorable hot cocoa bar. How fun! I have those pens too, I'm addicted to them.

  3. Love that hot cocoa bar!! This week I'm happy for baking! Baking and decorating hundreds of cookies this weekend, very excited.

  4. Elf is the BEST!!!!!!

  5. Oh my gosh, a hot cocoa bar sounds freaking delicious!

  6. Hot cocoa bars and new pens. Girl you speak my language!

  7. ELF! It's without a doubt my all time favorite!

  8. I'm happy to be alive this week because I finished my gold skirt and a tunic order! Only 4 more to go until Christmas vacation! Love the hot cocoa bar! So glad you found your soul-mate so that you can make all of these memories with!

  9. That hot cocoa bar looks so perfect. Makes me crave some right now! :)


  10. Felt pens are the best. So is Elf. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is seeing everyone's trees, and that one is particularly pretty!

  11. FAVORITE PENS EVER!!! I have a slight obsession :/

    Happy Friday! xo

  12. i was curious as to what pens you were raving about and i could NOT agree MORE! I love those pens!! I used them all the time in school, gotta find those again and buy. i think target sells them cheap too :) YAY for this and yay for this time of year! definite reasons to be happy.

  13. That hot coco bar is just about the cutest thing ever.

  14. That hot cocoa bar looks amazing!

    Elf is the BEST!

    Spending Christmas with the one you love is really awesome. This is my first Christmas with Chris and so far, it's been a blast!

  15. Ohhhh a hot coco bar?! How fun!!! And Elf is certainly my favorite!

  16. I love the hot cocoa bar! I haven't watched Elf... ever. It's on my list for this year, though. My niece is coming over for a girl's night next weekend, so maybe we'll watch it. :)

  17. I love the hot cocoa bar -- such a cute idea! We have seen Elf twice this month so far :D

  18. Christmas...everything about it makes me happy to be alive! Obviously all of the typical stuff: hot cocoa, Elf (best movie!), and memories, but also...Christ was born! Hooray! I can't wait to go home from college to visit my family for a little over a week (can't wait!) and spend the holiday with them :) Only 10 days to go!!
    ~ Samantha

  19. Ha those are the pens I used ALL. THE. TIME. They're so much better than any other pen. Hands down!


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