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Friday, December 19, 2014

Happy to be Alive, Because: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.

the happiest season of all

If there's ever a time that makes me over the top happy to be alive, it's Christmas time. 

1. The Macy's Day Parade at Universal. This is tradition, and whatever day we do this on ends up being one of my favorite days of the year. This year was no exception.

A small note about the above picture...I have recently discovered that if you take a picture of me A) after 10PM or B) After 8PM on a day that was full, I will look like I've had too much to drink. So that's fun. 

2. Tonight is mine & Christopher's annual Christmas date night. We go to the mall and split up so we can buy our last presents for each other. It turns into a fun game of avoiding each other and pretending we didn't buy anything. Then we have dinner and celebrate how freaking fantastic the week of Christmas is. 

So yes, I'm voluntarily going to the mall on the last weekend before Christmas. Glutton for punishment over here. 

3. My week has been full of playing Santa. Making lists and shopping and wrapping and mailing...I love buying presents!

4. Christmas music. Can't stop, won't stop. I've been going strong with the Christmas music since midnight on Thanksgiving, and I'm not even close to sick of it yet. 

5. Because Christmas is in six days. If that's not a reason to be happy, I don't know what is. 

Why are you happy to be alive this week?


  1. Your date to the mall sounds like so much fun! I'm like you, I love love buying presents and the whole process of wrapping them and stuff.

  2. I hope you two have so much fun on your Christmas date tonight! It sounds like such a fun tradition.

  3. Friday, a full slate of holiday stuff this weekend, festive red nails. All good stuff! Happy weekend!

  4. That strategy of Christmas shopping together...but not together...sounds really fun!

  5. That first photo of you and Christopher is precious! You are so beautiful. :) That Christmas date night sounds like such a fun way to buy gifts for each other!

  6. You are so stinking gorgeous! I am DEFINITELY happy to be alive :) Happy Friday & weekend, friend!

  7. I am happy for you. Congratulations :)

  8. So exciting! Christmas time is so magical, I feel the sparkle in the air everywhere I go! WEEEEEEEEEEE!

  9. So many fun traditions! Love it!
    xo Liz @ Baby Got B.A.

  10. You are going to the Mall tonight?! God love ya, i don't think I could handle any mall this time of year.

  11. Christmas music all day every day. I can’t get enough!

  12. Your Christmas date at the mall, too cute. I love that! I am nowhere near sick of Christmas music either :)

  13. That Christmas date is so sweet. You're sharing the madness. Good luck girl!

  14. Christmas is so close!!! Your Christmas date sounds wonderful - and so do all the fun activities you've been up to! I've been getting excited for a trip home the day after Christmas (I have to work Christmas Eve :(...) and it's going to be so great to go home for almost two weeks! Merry Christmas Season!
    ~ Samantha

  15. doesn't even feel like christmas is close for me.. i guess i haven't been going that strong with the music plus we opted out of doing gifts this year. :P maybe that's it!

  16. Haha I love your Christmas date night. And I'm happy this week because Leaving Time (the new Jodi Picoult book) FINALLY came in for me at the library! I've been on the waiting list since it was released! Haha.

  17. Haha! Your caption on the photo made me nod in agreement. Getting old sucks, doesn't it?

  18. Your Christmas date night sounds like so much fun! I agree, I am super excited and I love Christmas!

  19. Your space is so happy!! Hope you had a great weekend! 4 more days!!!

  20. I'm so excited! Especially now that I'm down to one job this week. (One is Customer Service, but the other one is at a school so for the next 2 weeks I get to sleep in. YAY!) I just love Christmas so much and I love sitting here catching up on blogs sipping coffee in front of my Christmas tree.

  21. I have been loving all of the Christmas music!


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