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Thursday, December 11, 2014

I Love Christmas & I Love Love.

life is a fairy tale

Five Christmases ago, I spent December 22nd panicking about what to get Christopher for Christmas. What do you get someone you've only been dating for six months but are also pretty sure you're in love with? I turned to my dad, who is the gift guru:

"You can't go wrong with sentimental. Pictures, a scrapbook, something like that." 
"Um, is six months too soon for a scrapbook?" 
"Nope. He'll love it." 
"Mmm, is it going to scare him away if I literally hand him a book of our relationship and he gets me movie tickets?" 
"Chelsea, stop talking and make a scrapbook." 

So I did. And it is to this day one of my most treasured belongings, because we have the earliest moments of our relationship recorded, and I have the sweet memory of being terrified to give it to him on December 23rd, when we celebrated Christmas together.

Four Christmases ago, I was absolutely in love, but there was no ring on my finger. There were no plans, only dreams in my heart. I made up a scavenger hunt and we spent December 23rd driving around our hometown, taking pictures and exchanging gifts and kisses.

Three Christmases ago, December 23rd brought me the best surprise of my life in the form of Christopher down on one knee and a promise of forever. Each time I opened a gift on Christmas morning, seeing the shiny diamond on my ring finger overwhelmed me with happiness and thankfulness.

Two Christmases ago, I was a little preoccupied, because I was getting married four days later. We had decreed it would be a day of no wedding talk so that everyone could really enjoy Christmas, but my mom and I exchanged glances all day.."Oh, you KNOW what's coming." 

Last Christmas, I had one of the best days of my life. For the first time, I woke up on Christmas morning in the same bed as the love of my life. Opening presents and snuggling with our tiny little fox, and then visiting my family with my new little heart had never been so full.

This Christmas, my heart is even more full than it was last year. Every Christmas song I hear, every peppermint mocha I drink, every time I plug our tree in, I'm overwhelmed with thankfulness that this is my life. The good and the bad, the sweet and the hard, it's mine. And as I celebrate this year, in a tiny apartment in the sky, with my best friend and our tiny little fox, I'm so full of joy. "Um, I think that I might love you" five Christmases ago has brought me such an incredibly full life, and Christmas just serves as a reminder of that.

I adore Christmas. Everything about it. But I especially adore who I get to spend it with.

Does Christmastime make you sentimental? 


  1. I'm not even that sentimental about Christmas, but after reading this post I'm definitely feeling sentimental now!! ;) I loved the progression of this post (and can relate to your fear of the dreaded too-soon scrapbook). Hope you have the loveliest of holidays xo

  2. So sweet, Chelsea! I love how a lot of your relationship revolves around Christmas. How special. :)

  3. I love everything about this post :) Christmas is such a magical time of year because of the people we get to spend it with!

  4. so so so sweet!! and i am seriously impressed that you got married four days after christmas! that is so romantic. :)

  5. this is the sweetest. love love love

  6. Gorgeous post! Such great memories the two of you have created!

  7. LOVE your sentiments and the way you bring intentionality with you everywhere! So happy to be reading along :] xo

    1. Thank you--that is such a compliment! Also, your comments are showing up as a no-reply blogger. You should fix it so I can email you back! Sarah has a great tutorial that makes it super easy:

  8. I had those same thoughts with my now fiance! It's so scary because you want that perfect gift but you keep doubting yourself! I made a scrapbook of our relationship as well & still am up to our wedding day. It's so fun to go back and look through it.
    Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. I get sentimental around this time, too.

  9. Awe this was so sweet. I get so so so SO sentimental at Christmas time. Every song and movie makes me cry. Like all the time haha. It's always so fun to look back and see where we have come from. Love your love of love!

  10. I love seeing the little bits that happened each year at the same time, especially during this time of year!

  11. I absolutely love this post, too sweet! I love Christmas as well and have definitely been feeling extra blessed and thankful this season. Which is weird being the state of my brother and family situation, but I still just feel blessed!

  12. I love this!

    I've been dating MY Chris for about 6 months now and I'm fretting over what I got him. I really hope he likes it. I'm nervous about it. Glad to know that's normal!

  13. Love this! And now I'm sad Christmas is soon coming to an end.

  14. So much love, I can hardly not get giddy about it.

  15. I really do love this post, I actually even read it twice!
    I just love Christmas time, and I love the feeling it brings.

  16. This is so sweet! What a special time of year this is for you! I remember my first Christmas with Zack as my boyfriend wondering what to get him and the pressure that came along with that. The next Christmas I took him home to meet my family and we took engagement photos. It's so much fun to see how this time of year brings out love.

  17. Such a sweet post! So cool that you got married around Christmas! Thats awesome!

  18. This post is so sweet! I love it!

  19. This is so sweet! I the story of your relationship through Christmases. Eric and I told each other, "um, I think I might be falling in love with you", approximately two months after we started dating, so I get the "is it too early thing". There is nothing better than waking up in the morning next to your best friend. And, I'm pretty sentimental all year round, not just at Christmas. ;)

  20. We got engaged on the day after Christmas, so I always think about that this time of year!

  21. Aww, this is definitely my favorite Christmas post I've read all season! So sweet. :)

  22. I absolutely love this! So sweet!

  23. This makes me smile big. What sweet memories you have of Christmas with your love! "Um, I think I might love you" <--- this cracks me up. So does the conversation you had with your dad!

  24. I love this post idea!! What a sweet relationship you have with your husband!

  25. So sweet! I love Christmas too. It's such a magical time. I hope your Christmas was wonderful!


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