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Monday, July 27, 2015

It's a Monday.

It's a Monday.

Just like any other day, really. A 24 hour window with the potential to be the best day of your life, or to change your life. But it probably won't, because it's a Monday. And we just treat Mondays differently.

We snooze the alarm a few more times than we would on, say, a Wednesday, or a Friday. We put less effort into getting ready, because it's a Monday, and the focus is going to be on doing the least amount of work possible before heading home and collapsing on the couch. We're still mourning the weekend, see.

So we'll try to rush through it and gripe about it when the clock at work seems to be moving so slowly. We'll heave sighs of relief when it's finally time to go home, because Thank God that's over.

The rest of the night will look similar to our day, just at home, and in more comfortable clothes. It's a Monday, after all, and you can't expect too much from those. They're the worst. 

But then one day, a week or a month or a year from now, we'll wonder where all our time has gone. Why it feels like life is flying by, why we never have enough time to finish our to-do lists, when really, we basically throw away an entire day of our week. And is it any wonder we hate Mondays so much when we treat them the way that we do?

It's a Monday.

Another day, another 24 hour window with the potential to be the best, life-changing day of your life. And it might be, because it's the first day of a brand new week.

It's a Monday. What will you do with it?


  1. What a great post, lady! Too many of us whine and gripe about Mondays when it really is a new day to be cherished. I try to keep the happy attitude, but sometimes when the weekend has been too strong I'm a Monday morning grump. Today though, I jumped up, did yoga and actually primped a lil extra just because it was Monday! Hope yours is smashing!

  2. I get to celebrate my five year work anniversary today, so it's going to be a good day & I woke up happy and healthy, so that's always awesome as well :)

  3. time passes quickly and in the grand scheme of things Mondays aren't so bad :)

  4. This is beautifully written and inspiring. I've been trying to adopt this perspective about Mondays (:

  5. Mine has been long and busy but maybe not in a bad way!

  6. My hair almost never gets done on a Monday. I worked out and got a lot of house stuff done so it wasn't a total waste.

  7. So true! I always treat Monday badly. It's hard to not go overboard with mourning the weekend. But you're right - I need to change my perspective. Wise words, lady, thanks for sharing! :)

  8. Yes! In the last year or so I decided to reframe Monday. It's not such a bad day after all! :)

  9. This is one of the truest things. Mondays can be awesome too, and disregarding specific time periods due to routine is such a waste of time. Right now I'm imagining all the things I could've done with all that time.

    The Life of Little Me

  10. Mondays really are the worst, but I've been trying to savor each day lately as the weeks and months are flying by and I'd like to appreciate all the time we are given :)

  11. Such a great reminder! It's cathartic to gripe sometimes, I think, but Monday gets the worst of it for no good reason. If we hate Mondays that badly, perhaps it's our life we need to rethink more so than a day of the week. Thanks for sharing!


  12. As crazy as it sounds, I seriously love Mondays. I don't know I just love the concept of a fresh week.


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