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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Embrace the Adventure.

Thank you so much for all of your sweet words and congratulations on Monday's post. You guys are really just the best. It makes it so much better and more real to have so many people to celebrate this new step with!

Now, I'm a planner at heart. I like to know as many details as possible before new things happen. Neither one of those things meshes with life at the moment. I have so. many. questions. 

Like, how are we going to fit an entire extra human into our tiny shoebox of an apartment? Because we resigned the lease two days before we knew about little. 

What exactly will the next few years look like? No clue!

Where is Chris going to work? Not the slightest idea. 

Where are we going to live? Haha, such a funny question.

I've heard the expression "I know God is laughing at me!" And while I don't really like to think of God laughing at me, I can't help but think he's at least chuckling a little bit up there.

And the thing is, in this time of just total unknowing, I'm learning so much and nothing all at the same time.

I'm learning that it's okay to feel like you know nothing. It's okay to not know. 

I love planning. It would be really nice to be able to sit down with a planner and pencil in the answers to all of the questions I have, but not being able to do that doesn't stop life from happening.

It would be really nice to know what city we will live in next, but I don't even know what state will be home, and that doesn't mean we're not going to have a home that we love next summer.

Just because having a baby wasn't the plan and I'm not really sure how it's all going to work out doesn't mean that it's not going to be the most exciting, wonderful change.

Just because life is changing and happening without my permission or even knowledge doesn't mean life is any less good. It just means it's an adventure.

So I'm just over here learning that it's okay to not know. And that when you don't know, the best thing you can do is embrace the adventure.

Cheers to embracing the adventure. Because I have a feeling it's going to be better than I could have even imagined.


  1. It can be hard not to have a plan, especially when you're a planner...I'm the same way. But some of the fun in life is going with the flow and by the seat of your pants. Sometimes I get anxiety over not knowing what's coming, but I have learned to let loose a little. No matter what, your journey will be're bringing a baby in to this world. SO EXCITING, XO!

  2. Yessss to your outlook on everything. I'm such a planner too but maybe some of the best things in life aren't planned? That's what I'm crossing my fingers for, anyway.

  3. What a beautiful adventure to embrace!

  4. I'm a planner too and I'd have all the same questions! But it will all fall into place- you may pull your hair out but it will be worth it! I always think that God likes to throw us planners a curveball to show us who is really in control. ;)

  5. I think God is laughing with you because God is all about endgame and the endgame for all of us is pretty dang awesome. :)

  6. You'll be fine. I promise! Baby's don't need much! We think they need a ton, but in all honesty - they need a bed, a car seat, and something to feed them with. All the other stuff is fluff! You'll learn so much about each other in the next 9 months! {I can't speak for the actual coming of the baby.. as I'm still waiting for that portion of my own adventure!}

  7. This is so true!!!! It's okay to not know!!! My life would look SO different if plans would have gone how I wanted them to! Thankful that God ALWAYS provides while we wait on Him!

  8. I too am a planner. When I first got pregnant, I started writing out extensive budgets and plans for the next two years (where we too do not know where we will be living or what type of job my husband will have) But with a baby, all those plans have to go out the window. And it's the best thing ever :) Be happy and live this life together, everything will work out, worrying about it changes nothing. You have been given a great gift!

  9. I love your out look on this! Good for you! I'm so excited for you :)

  10. Love this, and it's definitely true! It's hard when we usually plan out every last detail to leave it all in God's hands. He always knows what's best for us, and His plans far surpass ours :)

  11. Love this! Back in high school if you had told me this is where my life would be right now, I'd laugh. (or cry, ha) But sometimes the best things in life aren't planned, at least not by us.

  12. I need to adopt your attitude. I can be terrified of the unknown sometimes...I need to learn to let go, even if only just a little. Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. I totally understand your feelings, but you're right, God knows what's best, and it will all turn out the way it should. I felt like I was dragged kicking and screaming to Chicago, but so far, it's not too bad. :)

  14. I have a feeling that you are right, this is going to be one exciting, unplanned change! I feel like we are never given things that we can't you guys are going to have it all figured out when the time comes.

  15. I love this! And I'm so happy and excited for you. And I know things will work out because they always do when they have to.

  16. omgomg yayyyy i'm late on the train but CONGRATS girl!!! that is so exciting! and unknowns can be so scary but also kind of exciting because you know all these changes that happen will be for the better!! can't wait to see your bump grow!
    xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants

  17. YOU GO GIRL! Sometimes you just have to take life by the reins.

    xo katie // a touch of teal

  18. Babies tend to fit into not-plans pretty remarkably. :) As long as they have a cuddle buddy, something to eat and somewhere to sleep, things are golden.

    So psyched for you and your fellah, lady! :) It will come out roses and that Little will be so amazing and so loved. :)

  19. I know nothing about babies but as a planner myself, I know how hard it can be to embrace the adventure... it can also be so amazing!
    I'm so happy for you! Good luck! :)

  20. Congrats on the baby! Let's just say this is the best time to test out some of that spontaneity. Wing it, but plan a little as well. Your life sounds like it's exciting, not stressful.

    The Life of Little Me

  21. You are always Miss Positive Sunshine Embrace Adventure and seriously I love that about you. Life is about the crazy unexpected turns, it's the adventures we look back on and cherish. Your life is taking a new turn and parts of it will be scary and unplannable but it's going to be beautiful! Can't wait to read more about your journey Chelsea!

  22. I used to be a planner too.. but I keep relearning that life doesn't always end up the way you plan it out to be.. and I'm really grateful for the adventures it brings along the way. :) I'm so excited for what's ahead for you two!

  23. I've learned over the years that even if you have a plan, life doesn't always (usually doesn't) go that way...and I've never had a twist in plans like yours! :) You have a great outlook on it, though. It's going to be an adventure and I'm looking forward to reading what's ahead for you and your family! :)

  24. I'm so loving your perspective on your situation! Sometimes God just has other plans that we've just got to go with. I bet a year from now you'll be thinking, "How did we ever live without this little one?" <3


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