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Thursday, July 30, 2015

16 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

Practicing for our real picture. I hid cheese behind the ultrasound to get him to look at it. Mom of the year already, guys. 

We are four months today, people. FOUR MONTHS. HOW. I think this is the part where I maybe start to panic because I still know nothing about having a baby. I should really be researching and list making and learning about how to take care of a baby, but instead I'm ordering and eating pizza because it makes the baby happy and really, isn't that just as important? 

Don't answer that.

Moving on. Here are some things I want to remember from this week.

  • I swear, Gatsby can sense the baby. He gets real close to my stomach, cocks his head sideways and looks at it, and then nudges and sniffs and licks my stomach. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen, and I'm hoping it means he's going to be bff with the baby. 
  • Chipotle is back! As I mentioned on Wednesday, Mexican food has been off the table for about 9 weeks now. But on Monday, I woke up thinking about Chipotle. I could taste the barbacoa. We got it for dinner, and it has never tasted so good. So happy to have a favorite back, and to be able to eat something other than chicken!
16 down, 24(ish) to go. Somebody panic with me. Or maybe just order me a pizza.


  1. you are so cute! I am sharing your post from yesterday on my post today {going live soon!} i agreed with everything! also, i have heard that dogs know when you are pregnant/they can hear the heartbeat!! so cool if that's true. but i went to cookout over memorial day and their labradoodle wouldn't leave my side and the parents {who have a baby} told me that he knew! you will do great and still have five months…so keep the pizza guy busy! i am doing the same. haha

  2. Haha, hiding the cheese so clever! Getting pooches to pose for photos, not as easy as people make it seem! You're looking gorgeous at 4 months!

    Cheers! Taylor @ The Southerndoe

  3. That is just precious that Gatsby does that, love it!

  4. hahha!! I just posted my baby announcement (WOO!! Only two weeks behind you)....and to get my pup to do what I wanted her to, there was an excessive number of treats involved. As it always is when I'm trying to get my dog to do something...

    Glad you're feeling better enough to eat Chipotle though...that had to be a rough period when you didn't want it!

  5. Aaah you're so cute, I would be doing the exact same thing if I was pregnant. All the pizza!

  6. Haha I love that you bribed Gatsby with cheese! & yay for chipotle being back on the table :)

  7. Ah you are precious! I always heard "first trimester dreary, second trimester cheery, and third trimester weary", so welcome to CHEERY! :) You'll be feeling those little flutters in no time!

  8. I completely think that dogs know about that kind of stuff!!! When my sister started to go in to labor...her dog knew before she did and started going crazy!!! Yay for Mexican :)

  9. oh i love this! you are so cute and i love that you are savoring every moment!

  10. AWww.... Totally adorable!!!!! <3

  11. That picture quote is hilarious and yes - you sound like a real Mom already! Bribing kids is like child-rearing 101! Haha!

  12. I was worried for you when you said Mexican food had been ruined... I simply cannot imagine!! ;) So glad Chipotle is back! (Totally want Chipotle now, ha!)

  13. Aw Gatsby! And I am so you and Mexican food are definitely getting back together!

  14. OMG, I love that your dog can sense something is going on! You hear and read all the time that animals can sense those sorts of things, and I just love that.

  15. Dogs are so smart!! Gatsby can definitely sense the baby in your belly! My dogs have been the same way since I found out I was expecting. They are already taking their new big brother roles very seriously!

  16. Oh my gosh how to go without Chipotle for 9 weeks!?!?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! :)

  17. Yay for Chipotle!! And I love that picture! Just do everything one step at a time - that's all you can do!

  18. Aw so cute that Gatsby can sense the baby!

    xo katie // a touch of teal

  19. This is probably the cutest picture I've seen all day!! :)

    Your dog can smell your hormonal changes and knows something is up, for sure. Sounds like she'll be even more attached to you if she wasn't already.


  20. Woohoo, congrats on the Chipotle! That is so sweet about Gatsby! :)

  21. Haha- cheese?! Hey, whatever works! ;) I'm so glad you can have Chipotle again!!!

  22. Congratulations on your little bundle of joy! I know he/she will be beautiful! :)

  23. Such a sweet photo, even if there was cheese behind it ;). I've heard from a few people that dogs have a baby-sensing ability. So precious!

  24. I bet Gatsby totally senses the baby! They're already forming their own kind of special relationship just like you and Chris are!
    Don't worry so much about the list making and panicking and such for at least another two months. You've got plenty of time!!!

  25. It's so cute that Gatsby appears to sense the baby! I wouldn't be surprised if he does. When my sister was pregnant the first time, one of her dogs was really protective of her. He was starting to act that way even before she knew she was pregnant. She was so confused about why he'd start to growl when her husband came near to give her a hug or kiss (the dog never had a problem with my bro-in-law before!) and when she found out she was pregnant she put two and two together. I thought it was adorable that little Jake was protective. Her other dog was oblivious until after my niece was born. When that happened, Jake forgot all about the baby and Wolf was protective of her until she was older and started taking his toys. :)

    Also, I love your nail polish in this picture and the pregnancy announcement. What nail polish is it?


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