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Thursday, July 23, 2015

15 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

  • Not throwing up a single time all week. Is this what I used to feel like all the time?! Magic. 
  • Someone at work asked for my maternity leave dates, which one, made me so thankful that I have a job where I get time off, and two, made me so excited to get to spend six weeks just getting to know this little guy/gal. 
  • Starting to look at baby names. We've been flipping through a baby book and taking turns randomly picking out names, making fun of the outrageous names, and arguing over what a good name is. It's been so much fun. 
  • Reexamining my priorities. This whole thing has made me stop and realize what's actually important in life, and it's made me realize that my life is so good. Sure, there are things I want and things I want to do and places I want to go. Of course there are things I worry about. But I have a partner in all of this who I love more than life, and we've created an entire human (that is just so mind-blowing to think about!) who I know we will love so much. And if your life is filled with love, then it's a good, good life. 
  • This doesn't have anything to do with 15 weeks, but a little note on that picture: That's my best friend Catherine. She came to take pictures of me and Chris (and gatsby, duh) to put in a card to tell my parent. I was so nervous we were going to run into someone we knew, because no one knew about the baby, and we were walking around with chalkboards that said "baby jacobs due January!" Chris kept reassuring there was no way we would, but lo and behold, we ran into one of our best friends. Catherine, being the amazing friend that she is, literally snatched the chalkboards up and took off running down the street like it was nothing. I love her forever, and little is already lucky to have her in his/her life.
15 down, 25(ish) more to go. Little baby J, I can't wait to find out if you're a boy or a girl!


  1. Too cute! I'm glad that you are feeling better. Good friends like that are hard to come by :)

  2. I love these little posts - what a fab idea to capture such an important time in your life. It will be so nice to look back on x
    Sophie Cliff

  3. I love how you're doing these instead of bump updates. It's so creative and so you! Everything you do is magical! Happy you're feeling better!

  4. That's so funny that you DID run into someone, laughed out loud envisioning her running off with your signs haha!

  5. So sweeet <3 And of course you were gonna run into someone #life #whatisit

  6. Awww how fun, that is one awesome friend that ran away! <3

  7. I'm glad you're feeling better - and I agree, these are better and more interesting than baby updates! You'll be able to tell the baby what life was like when they were growing..that's cool!

  8. Love that your friend just took off running before someone saw the signs!! So awesome to have great friends like that.

  9. Cute :) Glad you haven't been throwing up as much!

  10. This is really sweet! Congrats :)

  11. Oh goodness, I would have been worried about running in to someone too! Love that she ran with the sign. Picking out baby names would be so fun...and stressful haha! I have a feeling that my husband and I may not agree on that all the way.

  12. haha! Love that story about your bff!

  13. So glad you're feeling better! Love that your best friend ran off with the chalkboards! So hilarious. Were y'all cracking up? :)

  14. That's a cute story! She sounds like a great best friend! :)

    And I'm glad to hear you had a week without throwing up! That must feel great. :)


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