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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

What's Your Dream? And When is it Enough?

What is your dream? 

Really, what is it? If someone asked you to describe your dream life, what would you tell them?

I love talking about dreams. I love dreaming. I love saying to dream big and chase your dreams no matter what.

Lately, with so much transition happening, it's made me think more about this. And I'm wondering if maybe all the focus we put on chasing our dreams leads us to a place of feeling unfulfilled.  Does putting so much pressure on chasing the dream make us more apt to not feeling content when we should?

If you asked me what my dream was, I'd tell you it's to be an author who gets to write books for a living. I'd tell you I want to pay my rent with my words. That I want to get to write book after book and know that people want to read them. To me, that's the dream. 

But alas, that's not happening right now. My job has nothing to do with writing, but it pays my bills. And I still get to write--I have this blog, and of course, I'm always writing, still chasing that dream. Is that enough? For now, I think yes.

Here's the thing: I think it's possible to enjoy life and be happy exactly where you are while still chasing your dream. Does being happy where you are mean you're settling, or that you're giving up on what you want? No, it doesn't.

We're all where we're at in life. And we can--and should--chase our dreams. But don't let that lead you to a place of being ungrateful and restless. Celebrate the areas where you get to have your dream and your life intersect, and keep looking for those areas. But don't let the desire to chase your dream make you throw away the happiness that your life right now could bring you. Because chances are, it's a pretty good life.

So dream on, dreamers. But be happy today, here and now, too.


  1. Such powerful words and perspective. I'm sharing this on my Friday favorites post - good stuff!

  2. So very true. Being able to dream big yet also enjoy the present = secret to a happy life!

  3. We have very similar dreams. I think you can definitely be content and thriving and be in a different season. That comes from the Lord and meanwhile, praying big prayers and dreaming big dreams. :)

  4. I think this is such an important lesson. Happiness doesn't have to mean complacency but I do think there are times we realize "oh wow I've been happy but I'm really unfulfilled" (not in situations like yours but a lot of times living these wild/reckless but unfulfilling lives. I think they key is always growing and hoping to better ourselves but learning to appreciate where we are now. It can be done but I think it requires constant awareness and effort!

  5. Yes! I love this!! I will never stop dreaming!!!

  6. I adore your positive outlook. You don't stop dreaming but you seem content with where you're at!

  7. Great post!! Definitely true. I can be content and happy and being grateful for where I'm at now... but still long for more too. :)

  8. Being happy and enjoying life while still pursuing your dream - that's the perfect way to put it. I do love dreaming, but my dreams seem to be changing and I'm trying to figure out which ones I want to run with!!

  9. My dream is the same as your dream. You are closer than me! Keep on chasing.

  10. I am totally with you! I'd love to write for a living too but right now I have bills to pay and a job that makes that happen, so I just enjoy my blogging on the side! Maybe someday our dreams will come true! :)

  11. I definitely struggle with this. I wish there was more time to follow dreams but I'm grateful to have a good job where I do get to strengthen my professional writing skills. There's something good in nearly every situation. Love and appreciate your perspective always.

  12. I've been thinking so much about following my dreams and what that truly looks like lately!

  13. This post was very well written, and I needed to hear that.
    I swear, sometimes I get so caught up in the future that I don't really enjoy the present. I forget to be grateful for the journey.

  14. I think you're happiest when you're working for something. There'll always be a new dream on the horizon, and we need to accept the fact that we're happy just striving for it until we reach it and find another one. Being an author with fans who are inspired by your words sounds like a dream, but it's not something I'd personally strive for. But who knows? I hope you achieve it one day, so you can begin a new dream maybe.

    The Life of Little Me

  15. I love this perspective - it's so important to find that balance of working towards your dreams while acknowledging and being grateful for all of the wonderful things happening right NOW! :)

    xoxo B | The Sequin Notebook

  16. Sometimes I feel like life doesn't really allow us to dream. My husband and I have had a though 2015 and honestly most days I feel like I'm just doing what I can to make it through each day alive.

    Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird

  17. I really REALLY needed to hear this today- thanks for posting :)

  18. I love this! I'm such a dreamer; I've always been constantly dreaming. I'm sure I'll always be that way, too. And sometimes I think I have been in the position where I felt incredibly unfulfilled, partly because of all my dreaming. Right now I definitely feel happy and content and it's definitely a great feeling to have those dreams, but still be happy with where I am right now. :)


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