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Thursday, July 16, 2015

14 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

I'm never going to be one to post weekly baby updates. I love reading the ones my friends post, but I'm just not going to write about how much weight I've gained and what my symptoms are and how big the baby is every week. It's just doesn't feel like me. That being said, I know there's so many little things I'm going to want to remember. So I thought I'd post weekly little snippets of things I don't want to forget.

This was right after I told Chris, right before we went to chick-fil-a. 

  • How excited my family was when I told them. 
  • Chris is being so sweet. Even though dinner and wine at a fancy restaurant isn't an option right now, this weekend included a picnic on the porch and it was just as great of a date. 
  • The fire alarms at our apartment went off in the middle of the night this week, and I felt responsible for another human for the first time in my life. While walking down seventeen flights of stairs, I realized that I'm the only one who can take care of this little babe right now. What a big responsibility.
  • Going to my second doctor's appointment and the doctor warning me not to worry if they couldn't find a heartbeat since it could take awhile at this stage, only for the room to immediately fill with the sound of my little's heartbeat. 
  • The doctor telling me about a blood test I needed to get and then casually slipping in that it would also show the baby's gender. We'll know within two weeks if this is a little guy or a little lady!
  • I finally am starting to have energy again. I made a grocery list, went grocery shopping, and pre-made SIX crockpot meals. Compared to the previous month and a half, that alone makes me feel like a champion. 
14 down, 26(ish) more to go. I can't wait to meet you, little. 


  1. This makes me smile! :) I'm so glad you are feeling okay! And that first time you hear the heartbeat, swoon! Can't wait to find out what you're having!

  2. So sweet! Isn't that heartbeat the most magical sound in the whole world?!

  3. I love the way you recapped your thoughts and feelings. i can only imagine what a feeling it is to be SOLELY responsible for someone.

  4. We did the blood test- the results came back in five days! :) yay!! We waited almost three weeks to find out with family and friends though. And I love how you have energy to make a list now- haha- sounds exactly like me! So excited for you!

  5. So cute! and wow... 17 flights of stairs?!?! I'd probably pass out on flight #7. hahah

  6. I love that you are sharing things that you want to remember instead of the usual bumpdates. So cool!

  7. It really is such a surreal feeling knowing that you alone are responsible for taking care of that sweet babe for nine months. Congratulations, so excited for you!

  8. I love that Instax pic! Very very cute! Congratulations again! You guys are going to be great parents! Welcome to the club! It is super fun!

  9. The early days are so sweet! However you choose to document them, you'll be happy you did! :)

  10. Hurrah for an energy return and hearing the heartbeat!

  11. Wow! Congratulations! How exciting it must have been to hear your little one's heartbeat for the very first time!

  12. What an exciting time of life! I never have had ANY energy for the entire first trimester. I'm so glad that yours is coming back! You're going to be a great mama and Chris will be a wonderful dad!

  13. oh my gosh!! awh these are exciting moments :) I like this post vs the traditional "how much weight have you gained??!!!" haha cute and fun little memories!
    xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants

  14. Yay for your energy coming back, and a picnic on the porch sounds fabulous :-D

  15. Seriously the way you write about even the most simple moments of every day life is just beautiful and inspiring. I can't express how happy I am for you. Your little is one lucky little baby to have beautiful you as a mom!

  16. Love your sweet little snippets. Go you, making six crockpot meals! That's impressive! :)

  17. I'm the same amount of pregnant as you right now, and I can say that because we just "came out" with the news this week. I can't wait to follow along and see what you DO have to say :) I love that you're remembering those little moments, and not the supposedly milestone ones that baby books say you have to remember. Love it.

  18. I love following along with these and I wish I and written a few more things down. I'll just blame it on lack of energy. Yay for getting yours back - I think week 14 was about the time I started getting mine back, too - and I would probably know that if I had written anything down. Yay for your sweet little! {And knowing the gender soon!!!!}

  19. Love this post :) I look forward to following along in your sweet updates!

  20. What a sweet idea to chronicle your memories and the things you don't want to forget like this. Congratulations to you both on the pregnancy! xx Carly

  21. Such sweet moments! I'm excited to hear if your little one is a boy or girl!

  22. Aw congratulations! I am excited to follow along your pregnancy journey!

    xo katie // a touch of teal

  23. congratulations!! I had no idea you guys were expecting. <3

  24. So exciting!! Congratulations!!!

  25. I think I'm really going to enjoy your updates! :) That picture is so cute! And that date sounds so sweet. And the story about the heartbeat... that's amazing!


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