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Monday, April 18, 2016

Letters to Jack: 3 Months.


On Thursday, you turned three months old on the same day that I turned 24 years old. I just wanted to let you know that you are, hands down, the greatest thing that happened to my life this year. I continue to be amazed at how much I can love something that's only been here for such a short time, but it's crazy amounts of love. You are the best. The very, very best.

This month was so much fun. It was your first Easter, and even though you won't remember (and were extremely uninterested) we made you an easter basket. We had pool days and road trips. We dedicated you at our church back home. You got to meet my family. You experienced Match Day and we found out you get to stay a Florida baby.

One of the things I was most worried about before having you was how much my life would change. It sounds so selfish now, but I was worried that my life would be unrecognizable, that I would be flailing around and feeling lost. That could not be further from the truth. 

On one hand, life hasn't changed. You slipped right into it like you've just always belonged. And the parts that have changed have been the best changes. When I woke up on my birthday, I couldn't wait for you to wake up. I couldn't wait to snuggle with you on the couch on my first birthday with you. 

So yeah, I guess my life did change quite a bit when you made an appearance. It became so much more fun and full and perfect. These last three months have truly been better than anything I thought they would be. 

Love you and your sweet little smile forever, little munchkin. 
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  1. Oh my goodness - time flies!! He's a cutie! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. So sweet! I can't believe he's 3 months already! And happy birthday to you girl! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  3. He is so so cute! And isn't it just incredible how much you love them the second you meet them :-)

  4. This is the sweetest post! Jack is adorable!

  5. He is too too cute! Happy belated birthday!

  6. How has it been 3 months already?! He is BEYOND cute!

  7. I love writing letters to my little one. Ugh it goes by so fast!

  8. Jack was a great little early birthday gift, wasn't he! He's so amazingly adorable. I seriously love these posts. :)

  9. How has it already been three months?? Lovin' his sweet little smile! (& that unimpressed Easter face he's got going on!)

  10. Oh that picture of him on the couch, what a sweetie!!! What a lovely birthday gift you have this year.

  11. I love how you articulate your feelings about motherhood so well! You really do have a gift with words, and the magic of motherhood!

  12. So adorable! 3 months of pure happiness with that little guy!!! :)

  13. Life does change, but for the better! I love spending my days with my babies, they are my favorite people on earth and having them in my life has been amazing. AND, it just gets better and better, I promise!

  14. Gah he is just adorable. I get being scared of change, I can't imagine life with a kid right now. It seems as if it would be a complete 180!

  15. Too cute! Happy three months to Jack!

  16. So sweet! Happiness to the both of you!

  17. TOO. CUTE. His little face in that second picture! He looks like you!

  18. What a wonderful 3 months! Cheers to the next 3 with your little cutie pie!

  19. How has it been three months?! He's the cutest ever!

  20. Wow I can't believe he's 3 months already! And YAY for him staying a FL baby <3
    Green Fashionista

  21. oh my gosh he is so perfect. isn't it amazing how babies bring such fulfillment to your life that you never would have expected before them?! and yaaay florida babies! he will have such a happy childhood!

  22. He is getting so big! Love his sweet smile! :)

  23. Happy 3 months to your sweet little guy - he's adorable! -xx Leah || Chasing Texas

  24. Such a cute little baby! Motherhood definitely changes a person and I believe in a better way.

  25. He is just the cutest! I can't believe he's already 3 months old!


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