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Monday, April 11, 2016

Work Hard & Be Nice to People.

work hard and be nice to people

I have a sign hanging up in my house that says "Work hard and be nice to people." My mom bought it for me while we were shopping for my birthday last year. I saw it hanging in Francesca's and loved the simplicity of it. It's some of the best advice, but it's so, so simple. 

When considering what we should do and how we should act, I think we sometimes overcomplicate things that can often be boiled down to these few simple words.

Work hard. At your job, on your hobbies, on becoming who you want to be. Work hard on making your dreams a reality, on being someone you can be proud of. Work hard at the things you are supposed to work hard at and work hard on the things you can sometimes forget deserve hard work, things like bettering yourself, trying to be a good spouse/partner, being kind to people, or standing up for yourself. Life is too short to take the lazy way out on the important things. Work hard. 

Be nice to people. Be nice to those who are nice to you, and be thankful for their friendship. Be nice to those who aren't nice to you, and wave goodbye as you ask them to leave your life. Life is too short to put up with mean people in your life, but it's also too short to be a mean person yourself. So no matter what, be nice to people. Be sweet. Kill 'em with kindness. 

Want to become a better person? Work hard and be nice to people. 

Want to move up in your job? Work hard and be nice to people.

Want to make your life a happier place to live? Work hard and be nice to people.

See? So simple. We overcomplicate things.

Happy Monday, friends. It's a fresh new week (birthday week over here, yay!), and there will be plenty of chances to work hard and be nice. Take them! 
 photo signature.png


  1. Such a great find! We do tend to overcomplicate things - this saying really simplifies it and hits what is important!

  2. I completely agree with this! Such great advice that everyone should really focus on more! Love this!

  3. TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH! Complaining about and whining about people doesn't help anyone at all. And sometimes it gets you in trouble too. :)

  4. What a great reminder to have hanging in your house!

  5. What a great mantra to have every day!! I will remember this!!

    Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  6. I always love your perspective and this is all so true :) It's so simple and really not difficult to live this way. I totally believe in being intentional and manifesting what you want, living as if you already have it and it will come to you :) It's always worked for me! Oh and being kind, always be kind :)

  7. You are so cute. I love your whole attitude on everything. Also Francesca's ALWAYS gets me with their cute little knick-knacky things. (Aaand the clothes..)

  8. Happy early birthday! And I want that sign for my office!

  9. I definitely agree with your advice! It's all about kindness and hard work (:

  10. Love this! I always carry the taylor swift quote "being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind" with me. Kindness is everything :)

  11. So true. They go hand in hand too. If you work hard but don't treat people the right way you won't get as far as you will being nice. Such a good message!

  12. It really is so simple but so true! You can be the hardest worker, but you also have to be nice to people because people help you to get where you're going along the way!

  13. That is such great advice. Happy birthday week! :)

  14. It really is so simple. Great reminder to hang in your home!

  15. Love this!
    Thanks for inspiring me on this rainy Tuesday all the way in Shanghai, China!!


  16. Absolutely! So simple but so easily forgotten.

  17. YES! YES! YES!! Such wise advice <3

    Edye //

  18. I was a teacher for almost 30 years. Those 4 words make the BEST and most comprehensive set of "classroom rules" in pretty much any classroom! Kids being noisy? The question becomes, "Are you 'being nice' to your classmates who are trying to work?" Kids messing around..."Is that working hard?" Only rules you really ever need! Can't think of a classroom situation (or a real life one, for that matter) that's not covered! Excellent post!


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