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Friday, February 21, 2014

Thankful Fridays are the Best Fridays.

1.  My husband finally made it home and we were able to celebrate the best Valentine's ever together.  We really do have so much fun together. 

2.  Creative friends.  When the people in your life are creative, that creativity almost always rubs off on you.  Please go look at this gorgeous photo shoot my friend Megan did.  Stunning.  Creative friends inspire each other, and she definitely inspires me.

3.  How busy I've been.  Making things, shipping things, freelance work, actual work, repeat, repeat, repeat.  I've been so busy, but it's been busyness that's making money for my book.  I've never worked so hard on anything, I've never been so tired, and I wouldn't change a thing.

4.  My mom.  Because at least once a week I call her with a book update.  It's usually really no different than last few I've called her with, but I get so excited by the whole thing that I have to tell someone.  And she always acts as if it is the biggest deal in the whole world.

"The publisher called and said everything is going smoothly!"


She's the best. 

5. This turban headband.  And five other amazing headbands that will be coming your way on Monday. 

What are you thankful for this week?

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  1. that photo shoot is absolutely stunning!
    i'm thankful to be in north carolina for the weekend visiting my best friend :)

  2. I just checked out your friend's photos and they are beautiful! Also, I love that your mom is so supportive of you. That's so sweet! :)

  3. So happy for you about the book :)) I love how supportive moms can be like that. So sweet! I'd definitely be interested in hearing more about the process of your book being published, as it comes along!

  4. Your friend is talented, so pretty! I'm thankful for a weekend with girlfriends! I haven't seen all these girls together since my wedding!

  5. Moms are the best ever! And so glad he made it home okay. This week, I am so thankful for my husband (for being so awesome) and for loving friends and family who are so supportive and helpful!!

  6. And of course really good coffee...given to us by a sweet friend, even if it is decaf ;)

  7. Yay!!! I'm glad your hubby's home!!! :-)

  8. That headband is adorable! I am so happy you had a great week! For me, I'm thankful that we had a couple of days in the 40 degree range that melted a bit of this snow! Have a great weekend, my friend!

  9. that headband is so fun - and so so so happy to hear that you are making progress with that book! and yes, having the husband home is def a good thing!

  10. That headband is adorable. Glad you guys got a nice Valentine's together. :)

  11. Yeah for getting to celebrate a belated V-Day together. That photo shot setup is so precious!

  12. This is such an inspiring post. So uplifting. Adorable headband too.

  13. I am thankful for my mom too, I've appreciated her so much more as I've grown older. She does so much for me, even in ways I'm sure she's never even realized!

  14. love you long time. AND THAT HEADBAND. i can't even.

  15. Sounds like you have a lot of amazing things going on! I'm grateful for a lot too - including where I live, what I'm able to do and the people that surround me in life! Great post. :)

  16. Love the headband!! I'm definitely thankful for a warm house and warm food today when its freezing out here in Ohio!

  17. Love this headband! I need to wear them more often! I am so thankful to have my power back on! Lost power for 24 hours and it was not fun!

  18. I love your relationship with your mom. Much applause for that! xx

  19. I have the same kind of relationship with my Mom. I sometimes actually wish she were more critical of the illustrations I send her. Ha! :-) All the best with your book project! I can't wait to year more. X Jane


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