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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Worth approximately 7,000 words.

Also known as: life lately according to instagram. 

This is what any type of computer work looks like these days...

...and I don't mind one bit. 

All day, every day. 

 Memphis Tigers with my three favorite guys.

I don't think there has ever been a single photo that sums up our personalities as accurately as this one does. 

My best friends:  the furry and the non-furry versions. 

Happy Wednesday! What's the best thing that's happened to you so far this week?

Check out this month's featured sponsor:


  1. Ohhh I love that floral ampersand, giving me ideas for my besties bridal shower this May!

  2. ahh your dog is so stinkin cute! :)

  3. That ampersand is just killing me!! So adorable. But maybe not as adorable as your pup. Is that a Shiba Inu?! GAH, I want one so bad. No one around me even knows what a Shiba Inu is (if that's what your doggie is) so when I see somebody who has one, I freak out. Ha!

  4. That last picture is so cute! Perfect themed backdrop, looks so professional!

  5. You and your puppy are just so adorable I can't stand it!

  6. Your puppy is too cute! I wish I had mine here with me to distract me from my computer work!

  7. my pups hate when i'm on the computer too ha. and your crafts are so cute!
    -- jackie - jade and oak

  8. Love that second and last photo! So sweet--and I would get nothing done and wouldn't mind either! lol. Best thing this week? Family coming into town to prep for me having this baby! woo woo!

  9. You furry little friend is just too cute! One of my dogs lays his head on my lap top too!

  10. I love love love love your dog! Best part of my week was getting to babysit again. =) Cutest and funniest little baby ever.

  11. um your dog is the cutest. hands down.

  12. Wait, do you live in Memphis? So do I!

  13. Your pup is too cute! Love the holiday pic very fun!

  14. Your pup is adorable! Love the pictures!


  15. Cute photos! The best thing this week: this beautiful snow we are getting!:)

  16. Your pup is the cutest, I want reach into my computer and grab him/her and stick her on my lap.


say whatcha need to say.