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Monday, February 10, 2014

The internet brings out the worst in people.

Please forgive the sarcastic tone in which this post is worded.  Or don't.  It's all in good fun.  But that doesn't mean it's not true. 

As someone who has friends and family in several different locations, I really do love social media.  But that doesn't mean that there aren't a few phrases that make me want to smash my phone  your phone into a million pieces when they show up in my twitter feed.

"I wasn't going to say anything about this, but..." Nope.  Just stop right there.  When you say this, you're saying "I want to be able to weigh in on the conversation, but I want come across as better than everyone else, because I didn't want to weigh in."  Oh, but you did.

"I am so utterly over _____" Insert popular article.  Blog posts.  Whatever is trending on twitter.  It's a popular topic and you're either a) jealous you didn't think of it before it blew up, or b) tired of reading about it.  This is usually said in a way that makes it seem like a broad, non-threatening statement, but it's obviously about one or two specific people that have gotten a little tweet-happy.  I'm going to tell you something that will change your life:  if you don't like what someone posts about on their own personal social media, delete them.  You'll make the rest of us happy that we don't have to read your passive-aggressive tweets anymore.

"Because everyone else is doing it..." 
I HATE THIS SENTENCE.  Translation:  I actually want to do this, but so many other people did it before me that I feel the need to make a sarcastic comment so I can hold onto some of my hipster integrity.

Get off of my internet.

"Facebook/Twitter/Vine/Instagram is so dumb/annoying/pointless." You don't say!  I always find this one especially humorous, because guess where these people go to vent their frustrations on how stupid social media is?  If you guessed social media, you get a cookie.

I'm going to stop now because really, this could go on forever.  What do you think?  What are some of the most annoying things said on social media?

Happy Monday!


  1. I've always thought saying "shout out to _____" is like the most redundant statement a person can make. :P

  2. All of this is spot on. The "I'm so utterly over..." is my least favorite. I hate all the complaining that goes on; I always hear my mom's voice saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". But then again, isn't complaining exactly what I"m doing with this comment :)

  3. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes!!! oh my goodness yes!!! that someecard is just so true! lol
    i always say that if social media has taught me anything, it's to keep my mouth shut!

  4. I don't love when people say happy birthday to their kids on Facebook. Is that bad to say out loud? I mean, your three year old probably doesn't have a profile and if he does I'm not sure that we have enough in common to be friends. I also don't like when people say that social media makes them unhappy. I think that social media is just a conduit for whatever insecurity or jealousy you are already harboring and that fixing the source is a better course of action than blaming the funnel. (p.s. I'm a new follower of your blog and I totally love it and I'm totally sorry that my first comment is complainy, I just couldn't resist. I promise to leave more happy shiny comments soon! :))

  5. Honestly vaguebooking annoys me the most. Don't post on Facebook that someone is pissing you off but refuse to give any real details! It's so immature!


  7. Haha, oh man, I totally hear you on these! Especially #1.

  8. You are cracking me up with these!!!

  9. Hecks to the yes, I agree on all of these!! Seriously, those types of posts and comments are overrated.

  10. This cracks me up! I have a post planned over social media etiquette. I am always surprised what I find on there, and I don't hesitate to delete all of the above mentioned people, haha.

  11. I think its ridiculous when people say "Thank you my amazing husband/wife/whatever" when that person doesn't even have a Facebook themselves.

  12. I feel you! I hate the vague comments that are clearly looking for attention but yet "don't want to talk about it"

  13. I really dislike when people air their personal business on Facebook or Twitter. If you are in a fight or argument with your husband/wife/gf/bf deal with them, no reason to post online to get someone to agree with you. So uncalled for and childish.

  14. Lol. This is hilarious and couldn't agree more!

  15. Lately all I feel like I'm seeing is "I'm deleting my Facebook because....."

    Well, do it then! :)

  16. Dying over this! Hilarious. I can't stand when people tweet celebs to get attention, when people continuously post statuses on FB and tag their spouse even when the status has nothing to do with their spouse.

  17. Hah! YES to this rant. Love it, girl! I'm totally with you.

  18. SO SO TRUE! We have crazy weather in Charlotte right now and everyone seems to blow up social media with their thoughts on that.

  19. The only reason I have a personal FB anymore is cause I want to maintain my blog's FB page (which, having a personal one is necessary), but I can hardly stand to get on anymore.

    My least favorite saying is "Just sayin.'" or "Dear __(difficult child, inanimate object, fatty food, etc..)__,"

    I also dislike the passive aggressive posts directed toward some nameless person. And preachy/political posts too.

    I'm usually a positive person :)....FB turns me into a Negative Nancy.

    1. ..oh! One more.

      How about..."Five years ago today....." lol

  20. Oh my gosh, people seriously need to learn that they actually choose who they follow, it's this strange concept that no one has seemed to figure out yet. I constantly see negative things on social media that could easily be solved if people just stopped following people they strongly dislike/disagree with. Also, people need to figure out that not everything that everyone says on social media is a personal attack on them.

  21. Yup! I'm asked why I'm on Twitter. "Isn't it pointless?" Um, no.

  22. Haha I LOVE when people complain about social media on social media.

  23. Facebook...such a necessary evil, ha ha. I have definitely seen every one of these types of posts on my's nothing less than frustrating!

  24. Definitely despise all the crossfit posts. I'm a crossfiter but I don't know why people feel the need to post every single time they work out. First off, that's un-necessary and second off, not many people understand the crossfit lingo. I'm actually getting to write a post about crossfit and I'll for sure be covering this aspect.

  25. "I wasn't going to say anything about this, but..." really ties to "I'm not racist, but..." Just because you know you shouldn't say something, doesn't mean that gives you an excuse to come out and say it. Weirdos.

  26. Hahaha… love this post! Sometimes it is just Too much…Overload.

  27. These are fantastic, I couldn't agree more. My personal favorite is political tweets or posts. "I think I'll change my entire political views because this Facebook status swayed me otherwise," said no one ever.

  28. Im so glad you stopped by my blog so I could find yours. I love it here. New follower :)

  29. Hahaha! So so true!


  30. I totally agree with entire post. I hardly ever post on Facebook but it's interesting to see what everyone else posts!

    Trending In Fashion

  31. This is so true! I really hate getting on Facebook these days because everyone is either over sharing or complaining about popular subjects... but then again I'm on it so I can't really say much! :) I'm thankful that it's a platform where I can still share my blog stuff. I'm much more into Twitter anyways!
    Nikki at

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  32. haha you're so right about people complaining about social media...on social media!

  33. I like social media mainly for the same reasons as you--I have a lot of distant friends and family and I love being able to keep up with them! People always seem to complain about Facebook, but I have to wonder...if you hate your "facebook friends" so you actually even like your friends in real life?

  34. Spot on girl. Spot on. Social media can be great, but oh my, all the ridiculousness it entails....


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