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Monday, May 16, 2016

Back to Reality.

I spent the week in the most relaxing, beautiful, colorful place on earth. It was bright and kitschy and sunshiney and just perfection. 

Today, it's back to reality. I'm usually so sad when vacation is over. I tell Chris I have reentry depression and the only cure is to refuse to cook or clean or check my email or do anything remotely responsible for at least 48 hours. 

This time, though, is a little different. While I'm definitely sad to leave this view behind:

...I'm also excited to be back to reality. Because reality is that Chris graduates and becomes a doctor on FRIDAY. And then we'll be moving to Gainesville the next week. And I'm just so excited about both of those things that I can hardly stand it. 

I normally hate packing of any kind. H a t e  i t. With a passion. But this time, I'm so excited to fill up those boxes and load the uhaul and I'm even a little excited to-dare I say it-unpack those boxes. 

 It's partially because I can't wait to decorate my very own house with bright colors like I saw everywhere on vacation, but mostly it's because I just really love my life.

Sure, I'm not living my dream vacation right now..I have way too many responsibilities for that to be true. And honestly, until I can walk around like this 85 percent of the time, I don't think we can call it a dream vacation:

That being said, I love my life. I really, really love it. I love the direction it's going. I love where we're moving. I love the dreams I have for the next year. And I love the people I get to spend it with.

So while today may be full of wading through emails and making phone calls and packing instead of swinging in a hammock and watching the sunset, I'm still pretty happy. Because my life is dang good. 

May your Monday be full of strong coffee and nice people, and may your life be better than your vacation. 
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  1. What a pretty place! It definitely helps to have other big things to look forward to after a vacation.

  2. What a colorful vacation you guys had!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Such a great outlook! Glad you all enjoyed your vacation and it looks like you have a lot of great things to look forward to! :)

  4. So glad that you had a great (and colorful!) vacation, but it's always a nice feeling to come home when you have so much to look forward to and celebrate.

  5. I am digging all of the wonderful colors from your vacation! Enjoy everything coming up for y'all over the next couple of weeks :)

  6. Oh man, your life IS dang good! That is SO awesome for you, Chelsea! Congratulations again to your hubby! I hope these weeks go at an enjoyable pace so you can fully soak-up all the incredible-ness that's going on in your life!!

  7. Love this! It's definitely tough to come back from any vacation, but SO awesome about all you have to look forward to now! :) Hooray for graduation!!!

  8. Y'all are moving so soon! That's super exciting! Yay for time to get settled before Christopher starts! :)

  9. this is awesome girl. nothing better than simply loving life.

  10. You're so lucky to love your life so! I love it!

  11. Did your blog get a makeover and I somehow missed it? It looks FAB! Anyone, hooray for moving and things to look forward to. Your vacation looked dreamy -- I vote you book a trip to Hawaii ASAP! ;)

  12. Your happiness is making me happy. I'm glad you got a good break and sending you lots of good thoughts for your busy next few weeks. Enjoy every second!!

  13. Love your colorful pictures, girl! And your happiness is contagious! YAY for all the fun, exciting things coming up!! xo

  14. Ah! Jack is just so cute and snuggly!

  15. SO many beautiful colors! And your positive, excited energy is practically radiating out of the computer! YAY FOR BIG THINGS!

  16. What a fun vacation! I'm so excited that you are so excited to move - I would be filled with so much anxiety too. Good luck packing, can't wait to hear about your new home! Life is good!


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