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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Things I Believe in This Week: Vacation Edition.

Coming at you today from a tropical little slice of paradise. Currently trying to find an excuse to never ever come home. In the meantime, here are a few things I believe in this week:
  • Taking vacations. Whenever and wherever. 
  • Buying giant pink flamingo floats, even if it doesn't seem like the most reasonable purchase.
  • That everyone should have a hammock.
  • That food tastes better when you're on vacation. Also: Calories do not exist on vacation. 
  • Sunshine is good for your soul. So are bright colors. 
  • That life is meant to be enjoyed. You should take every chance you get to enjoy life to the fullest.
What do you believe in this week?

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  1. This post has now encouraged me to add a hammock (and maybe a giant flamingo float) to my wedding registry!

  2. Hammocks on vacation are so awesome.


  3. I love my giant flamingo float! And no, calories do not exist on vacation! Enjoy your tropical paradise! -xx Leah || Chasing Texas

  4. Buying giant pink flamingo floats is always a good idea. Always! :)

  5. Enjoy your vacation, girly! You're right- you should never come home! Lol! I wouldn't if I was on vaca right now! :)

  6. You are making me crave a vacation! I need a flamingo in my life! Have fun!

  7. I wish I had a need for a flamingo float, but unfortunately I'd have nowhere to use it. You are 100% right about calories not existing on vacation. I hope you have a great week!

  8. Love these type of posts!

  9. We woke up to snow today. SNOW! So yes, someone please send me on vacation where I can lounge in a hammock preferably while also wearing a giant flamingo floaty?! ;) Have fun!!

  10. Enjoy your vacation! I need to find a flamingo float to tote with me to the beach next month. LOL!

  11. Love it! I wish I were floating somewhere tropical right about now!! ;) We have a giant pink dragon float that goes on all our vacations haha!

  12. Have FUN on vaca! I need a flamingo float donut one needs a friend ;)

  13. Now I want a hammock and a flamingo float, even if I only can just have both out on my back deck. :)

  14. I feel like I need a giant flamingo float ASAP.

  15. Have the best best vacation!!!

  16. So true, calories do not count when on vacation! I take full advantage of that one lol.

  17. Yes!! I believe in ALL THESE THINGS. Hope you're having a blast on vacation!!

  18. Food tastes better any time I don't have to make it! Have fun on your vacation!

  19. This makes me want to get out my flamingo again :) Also, how can we make food have no calories all the time? Happy vacationing.

  20. I second that calories don't count while on vacation! Looks like you're having a blast, girl :)

  21. Love this! Vacation time = the best time! Enjoy!!


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