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Thursday, May 19, 2016

On Creating.

I'm in the middle of reading listening to Big Magic and oh my goodness you guys, it's a must-read. I was listening to it while I was packing yesterday, and definitely cried just from the sheer fact of hearing someone so perfectly explain how I've felt pretty much my whole life. She talks about the relationship between creativity and fear and the need to create, to be writing. 

She writes, "I often don't know how I feel about something until I write about it." Yes, yes, yes. 

I love writing. I love words. I truly believe that words have the power to change the entire world. And sometimes, they do. Sometimes you write and the words you create touch someone deeply. Sometimes, they don't. Sometimes the words you write are just for you. But you have to keep creating. 

I think creating comes in all shapes and genres. It's not always artistic. I think that everyone has their one thing. The thing that breathes life into them, the thing they feel they were just made to do. For Chris, his one thing is surgery. He'll spend 18 hours on his feet and be covered in all sorts of awful gunk and come home feeling awake and ecstatic and alive (he's a lot like Christina Yang, y'all). 

For me, my one thing is writing. Writing everything. And because of that, I don't think my blog will ever fit into one little niche. I'm a mom now, so I need to write about that, but I don't want a mommy blog. I'm a wife, so I need to write about that, but I don't want a marriage blog. I'm moving, so I need to write about that, but heavens knows I'm not about to have a home decor blog.

I need to write about it all, because writing is my one thing. And much like Elizabeth Gilbert, I often don't know how I feel about something until I write about it. 

So I guess I just wanted to say: Create. Do your one thing. Do it without worrying if it is going to be life-changing. Do it without worrying that it doesn't fit the "brand" you're trying to have for yourself. Do it without wondering how many mistakes you're making. Do it without the pressure to be perfect, to create the next product that goes viral on Etsy, to write the post that gets shared thousands of times, to get promoted faster than anyone else. Just. Do. It. 

Write because you need to. Become a doctor because you need to. Paint because you need to. Run because you need to. Build because you need to. Go back to school because you need to. Create, create, create, create. 

Because you need to. 

What's your one thing? 
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  1. For me, mine is writing. & I think that first quote of Elizabeth's about the fear and the need to write and create totally nails it on the head for me.

    I've been seeing this message throughout the online world the last few days, I think God is sending me a message, write even if you never sell a book, write because I have words for you that I want you to share.

    Thank you so much for always sharing your words, they always seem to find me exactly when I need them :)

  2. That’s so true. I think writing allows you to see things from a different perspective. Do it because you need to, love it! What a great motivational post.

  3. I needed to read this today. THANK YOU. Like you, writing is very much my thing and I never plan to stop.

  4. I LOVE this. It also reminds me of something I read in the book "The Gifts of Imperfection" By Brene Brown. She talks about how creating (in whatever way) is absolutely essential to our well being and how our culture stifles the desire. I couldn't agree more.

  5. I LOVED big magic. it almost felt therapeutic to me as i read it.

  6. I've been going back and forth on wanting to read Big Magic, but you might have just convinced me to get it as my audiobook for next month!

  7. Now I need to figure out my one thing. :)

  8. This is such a good reminder! Writing is my one thing too. :)

  9. I love writing. I write when I'm upset and I have a problem and I have no way to fix it. Just being in control of the words and forcing my emotions and thoughts onto paper tends to help me gain control.

    I'd say writing is my no. 2, though. I don't know how to turn it into a verb, but animals is my thing. Maybe even dogs specifically. Similar to how an introvert recharges when alone, I recharge and feel total bliss when I'm surrounded by animals. Never overwhelmed- just so comfortable and in the zone! (All the more reason to open my shelter some day!)

  10. Yes! I feel exactly the same way about writing. I also think some fear of creation comes from the 'competitive' aspect. I studied writing at RMIT and though it taught me lots knowing what my writing looks like from a marketing perspective has stifled a lot of flow and creativity because it instilled that fear that coincides with the idea of what we produce needing to be marketable.

    Also, I knew someone had to have paraphrased the Kendrick Lamar lyric, 'I can never write my wrong less I write 'em down for real' in a way more suited to a Facebook post!



  11. I feel the same way about writing! It helps me process my thoughts.

  12. Big Magic is on my wish list on audible. It will be the next book purchase!
    Photography is my thing. Writing is my second thing. I just love being creative. Baking and cooking are also things I love. Just creating of any kind. I love it!!

  13. Yes yes yes. Writing is free therapy for me.

  14. Such a beautiful sentiment, writing is my one thing as well. When I am overwhelmed with feeling I NEED to sit down and write, I crave it! When I let myself bleed my feelings and my thoughts I reread them for insight into my own mind. I understand myself (and the world around me) better through writing.

  15. A big YES to this! Couldn’t agree more lady!

  16. I couldn't agree with this more! Writing is definitely one of my things - a creative outlet I needed so bad! Enjoy your thursday! -xx Leah || Chasing Texas

  17. I recently read that "expression enhances impression." The more we process something, the stronger our sense of understanding. Love this post, friend!

  18. I'm totally with you. Do what makes YOU happy, that's my motto!

  19. I feel the same exact way! I've always said that writing is how I make sense of the world and my blog is definitely a reflection of that. I'm so happy I stumbled upon your blog. I'm looking forward to reading more!

    Hustle & Whoa

  20. I love this! If you like listening to podcasts, you should check out her Big Magic podcast... it's amazing!!

  21. This is very inspiring. And yes, me too, just like you, I write about anything. I write until I understand it. I write because I want to write and I feel happy when I do. I write just because I think it is already a part of me to write about anything.

  22. Writing is mine too. I write when I'm sad, happy, angry, frustrated..whatever! It's my outlet and I try to own it. I loved this post :)

  23. Oh yes this post is everything :) Writing is such a release.
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  24. Yes! Mine is writing too. It's my primary catharsis. I finally got back into writing "creatively" and although it has nothing to do with my blog whatsoever, I've shared a couple blurbs on it lately and it was a horribly anxious feeling, knowing that I've never done that before. And I was sort of frustrated when nobody commented on those posts. But then I reminded myself of your point here - I write FOR ME. I do it because I need to, and because I want to do nothing more in that moment. Always have, always will. So it doesn't matter if nobody but me reads it. I will still keep on doing it!

  25. I LOVE your writing! I'm so glad you are using your God-given talents to make this internet space (and my day) even better :)

  26. Creativity is a major part of my life. I think that's why I blog- sharing things I'm passionate about and having a creative outlet. Love this post.

  27. I'm glad you've found your one thing because I sure as hell haven't. Is it possible to have many things, or be indecisive about what your thing is, or does that mean you don't really have a thing?

    The Life of Little Me

  28. Big Magic is such a good book! I love your perspective on this quote. I love your writing. Your passion, honesty, and voice always shine though. That's why your blog is one of my favorites to read :)

  29. I absolutely loved Big Magic. And I'm with you. I'm a writer who writes because she has to.

  30. I definitely need to read Big Magic, I've heard so many good things about it. And Elizabeth Gilbert is an absolute legend! I haven't really found my creative one thing, because I'm not really a very creative person. However I've been really enjoying photography recently, so I'm just going to do that as much as I can. Thanks for the reminder :)

  31. Love Big Magic! (I just published a post about it too!) It's so amazing! I really felt like finally someone gets me! My blog and my writing - that's how I create, and I couldn't imagine not doing these things!

  32. I love this post! We all have our thing, its funny when the world tries to put us in a box/ category. Life isnt always black and white.. and i'm all shades of the rainbow lol

  33. I just want to say thank you for this. It's exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you.

  34. I love this! Writing is definitely my one thing, although I have to say that lately painting has been so invigorating too. I want to write about and paint all my experiences.

    Thank you for the reminder to create without fear. I always need to hear that and I always need to strive to write like I did when I was in high school, which was non-stop. :)


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