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Friday, May 13, 2016

Letters to Jack: 4 Months.


Today is a big deal for me. It marks one year since I found out you were going to be making your way into the world. We can easily call this the most life-changing year for me. 

When I found out about you (after spending $98 dollars on pregnancy tests just to be sure), I was so nervous and scared...I was worried that I wasn't ready, that I wouldn't know how to take care of you. I didn't know how you would fit into the life we had planned. 

Spoiler alert: You fit perfectly. 

A year ago, I woke up and drank coffee and watched Netflix, with zero ideas about how life was changing. Today, I woke up and fed you and snuggled you back to sleep. We're on vacation-see, all of my worries about fun things in life being over were just stupid-and we'll spend the day shopping and playing in the sun and swinging and admiring your sweet little baby giggles that you've been giving out more and more frequently. 

But for now, you're snuggled in next to me, wearing footie pajamas that have dinosaurs on your feet...the feet that you will spend all day trying to put in your mouth. You're sleeping, so peacefully, and you still smell like lavender from your nighttime lotion. Here I am, 365 days later, drinking my coffee in bed again, and here you are, much different than you were a year ago, but still the same little love. 

You have changed every single aspect of my life. So I guess I just wanted to say thank you for that. 

Happy one year of hanging out together, little man. You are everything I never knew I wanted, and I will love you for all of my forever.


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  1. Love this....It's amazing how much can change so quickly, but yet feels like it was always that way.

  2. Beautiful words...and what a sweet photo of the two of you :)

  3. So sweet, as always. I love your love for's the sweetest.

  4. So sweet! Loving your vacay pictures! So glad you guys are enjoying your time :)

  5. This absolutely so sweet. Continue to enjoy that precious time together!

  6. This is so sweet, Chelsea. What an incredible memory. You're such a wonderful mama. Jack is starting to look so much like you and your husband! What a little doll baby!

  7. This is so sweet. So amazing how your life has changed in the past year! :)

  8. Beautiful. I had this day last July and felt exactly the same way.

  9. This is so utterly sweet! Cue the tears. Enjoy the vacation!

  10. SO sweet :) :) :) Enjoy those smiles and snuggles and vacation!

  11. It always bothers me a bit when parents blame their kids for "sucking the fun out of life"....they might make life more complicated at times but I also believe children should enhance your life. Happy four months!

  12. So sweet! He has the sweetest face and looks so much like you! Enjoy your vacation!

  13. I love this! Brought a smile to my face :)

  14. This is so sweet! Jack was the perfect addition! :)

  15. Aw. He's so adorable. And I bet when the time comes he'd come across this, he will feel more loved and might even shed a tear. So touching and sweet.

    Have a lovely week ahead!

  16. The one-year anniversary of finding out your life is going to change forever is such a big one. It still blows me away how much room there is in my heart, how much I can now get done in a day and how much one little person can make me laugh so hard and can make my days so much more fulfilling and meaningful than they ever were.


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