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Thursday, March 12, 2015

The (Im)Perfect Here & Now.

Being present is something that's so hard to do, yet it's gained a lot of popularity lately. Living in the here and now is so important, but it's kind of become a fad, making it seem like it should be easy, or that everything will work out perfectly if you just do it, because so many other people are talking about it.

It's like baggy jogger pants--they became so popular, so surely they must be super flattering on everyone, right?


Living in the here and now is not easy. Being present without worrying about everything that needs to get done is actually really hard. Contrary to the popularity of the subject, choosing to live in the present will not take care of all your problems. Everything will not magically fall into place and get done because you choose to put down your cell phone and just live in the moment.

Don't be in the here and now because it's perfect, be in the here and now because it's imperfect. It's full of imperfection--of unfinished to-do lists, of missed deadlines, of messy kitchens--but that's what makes it real. That's what makes it life. A life full of perfectly curated moments wouldn't be a life at all. The imperfection is what makes you really, truly alive.

Be present because it's the best time. Because it's the worst time. Because you are young, because you are old, because you are alive. Because you are here, and that's real.

Your kitchen will still be messy. Your deadlines will still be looming. But if you live here, today, exactly where you are, you will be living your life. You will be getting the most out of your life. It won't be anywhere close to perfect, but it will be real. And that's almost even more beautiful, yes?

Do you struggle with living in the here and now?


  1. I do struggle sometimes with living in the now. Sometimes I worry to much about posting pictures of the now, that I miss the whole point of what I am doing. I also let technology get in my way too.

    I will say, that my first few months of marriage I worked really hard to live in the now because I knew those months were so key and magical. I didn't worry about the future or what anyone else was doing, I just lived with my husband and we did what we wanted and pleased. We are at the end of that 'living in the now' mode though, because there are some big changes possible in the future so I keep looking there instead of staying current and present. I'm trying, though because I'll never be 'HERE' again!

    Great and thought provoking post.

  2. It's a constant struggle especially when many of those around you AREN'T living in the moment. I'm trying to break the habit of constantly looking ahead when so many things that we HAVE been waiting for are happening right now, we are expecting a baby, we are moving, and my husband is graduating law school and finally starting his career. Yet I just keep looking ahead. It's a hard habit to break. But at least now I can break myself from my cell phone for a few hours a day, (baby steps my friend haha).

  3. It's definitely a challenge to live in the here and now. I'm in my penultimate semester at uni and it is dragging by! I live on a floor of freshmen, my senior friends and I have totally opposite work schedules, and my family lives literally 1000 miles away. I go to work, go to classes, read, and blog...and that's about it. I'm waiting to hear back from internships for the summer and have no idea what's coming after graduation. The here and now is scary!!!
    ~ Samantha

  4. I am struggling with this now. With house and baby coming up soon, it's hard not to wish it were a year down the road and I could know that everything turned out okay. I'm trying to enjoy this time of transition and realize that huge moments like this don't come around often!

  5. I absolutely love this. I needed this reminder. I can be such a control freak, and when I don't get everything checked off my list every day, I am not content. Thank you for the reminder that it is okay that things are messy, because after all, we are only human. :)

  6. I absolutely love this. I needed this reminder. I can be such a control freak, and when I don't get everything checked off my list every day, I am not content. Thank you for the reminder that it is okay that things are messy, because after all, we are only human. :)

  7. It's funny, on Netflix's new show (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt), the characters say "I am not really here right now!" over and only realize they should "be here now". I really focus on not wishing my life away, and being there for my work, family, and friends. Great post!
    Meg of An Affair of Character

  8. You have a way of saying things so concisely yet so beautifully. I also loved the comparison to joggers (:

  9. I needed this reminder, thank you!

  10. I choose when to do it - I don't often do it at work.
    And it's easier for me to do after my to do list is done.

  11. I definitely struggle with this! Sometimes it's hard to appreciate the time you are in right this moment because you are already focused ahead on what's next. It's definitely something I'd like to get better with this year. :)

  12. I am so with you, it is hard to be in the present all of the time. I try to do it at home more so than at work. You are right, it does seem to be a fad right now. It is sort of like handwriting to is something that we used to do all the time before technology got crazy....and now what we learned in second grade (cursive) is super trendy and artsy! I mean, I love pretty hand writing...dont get me wrong. It's just...we should all focus on the simple basics of life again!

  13. that is kinda funny. it's become one of those inspirational quotes you just pin on pinterest and hope that it will somehow manifest in your life. being present is definitely really hard to do.. and even though i give myself homework so that i can do that.. i fail all the time. i also don't know that it applies in every situation. there's a time and place to think about the past and plan for the future too. :)

  14. I feel like being a blogger being in the here and now is one of our most difficult problems.

  15. This is amazing! And so true. If we wait too long, it will be too late. Great post.

  16. I love this! I feel like there are so many things that people say will make your life easier, like living in the here and now and living a more minimalist lifestyle. (No, living a minimalist lifestyle won't mean that everything in my life will be sunshine and rainbows, but it will bring some simplicity, and who needs all that stuff anyway?) I really love this thought; living in the present won't make my life perfect, but it will mean that I'm living. I find it hard to do that sometimes, but I'm trying to be more intentional about it. I don't always do the best job, but I'm getting better.


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