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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

PopSugar Giveaway!

Happy Tuesday!

Is anyone else kind of just in awe that March is over? Now that April is on the horizon, I've got summer days (and nights) on my mind. To be fair, summer days in Florida pretty much start in April. Sorry about your snow, northern friends. 

Whether you're already buying shorts and flip flops or you're still struggling into your parka every morning, I thought it'd be fun to celebrate spring and the impending summer with the PopSugar must have box. They're full of warm-weather surprises that make for some pretty happy mail.

I've teamed up with Kati Rose, Martha, and Katie to give one of you a happy mail day.

Happy entering! Cheers to warmer weather and springtime adventures! 


  1. Yay! Thanks for the giveaway! I am getting so excited for summer!

  2. I am so pulling out my flip flops starting Sunday!!!!

  3. Thanks for letting me partake!! So much fun! :) Oh I've already pulled out the flip flops ages ago and I'm in Canada. SUMMER I'm coming for you!!

  4. Yes!!! What an awesome giveaway :)

  5. haha i'm already in flip flops! it's funny bc my friend cannot wait for winter to be over.. and i'm already dreading summer!

  6. Great giveaway!

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  7. Can you believe we actually had snow in NYC on Monday?! Cannot wait for summer!!!


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