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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Spending April: A To-Do List for Adventuring Through the Month.

There are thirty days in April. I hope you get the most out of every single one of them. But the only way that's going to happen is if you choose how to spend them instead of just letting them fly by you. As always, I have some suggestions!

1. Play a joke on someone in the spirit of April Fools.

2. Make someone an Easter basket.

3. Dye Easter eggs. Are you ever too old for this? The answer is no.

4. Make yourself an Easter basket. 

5. Celebrate Easter. With your friends, family, or just yourself!

6. Make a springtime bucket list.

7. Watch some old Audrey Hepburn movies. I don't know why, but springtime always makes me want to turn on some black and white movies.

8. Do one thing you've never done before. 

9. Go through an entire day complimenting every person you talk to. Compliments are free and easy to give and often make someone's entire day.

10. Stock up on the discounted Jelly Beans. 

11. Go to a farmer's market. Then cook dinner with whatever you found there.

12. Go on a picnic. Because hello, spring weather.

13. Make your summer reading list.

14. Push yourself to drink more water than you normally do.

15. Pump yourself up for next month's release by re-watching Pitch Perfect.

16. Plan a road trip. Cross-country or just one town over, road trips are a must in warm weather.

17. Take some time to write out your goals for this summer. They don't have to be big, serious goals. Just write down what you want to get out of the summer.

18. Throw a dinner party. For no reason at all. Go to Party City and get fun decorations, buy the fancier stuff at the grocery store. It's April, and that is worth celebrating.

19. Look up outdoor concerts in your area.

20. Take a few minutes every morning to look up an inspiring quote or verse and make that your mantra for the day.

21. Spend an afternoon on a swing or a hammock. 

22. Take a picture of everything you come across that inspires you.

23. When you have free time, put away your phone and read a book instead.

24. Take a trip to Hobby Lobby with no list. And leave with supplies for at least one fun project.

25. Look up new recipes for fresh fruits and veggies. 

26. Take a road trip to the nearest drive-in. 

27. Pick one thing you want to better about yourself this month.

28. Find a rooftop to have dinner on under the stars. Or a patio, or a backyard.

29. Look up recipes for fruit infused water to make drinking more water easier!

30. For at least a week, make it a point to see either the sunrise or the sunset.


  1. Yes, yes, yes to so many of these! I love dying Easter eggs still too! Easter is my favorite holiday so I love all things surrounding it.

  2. I always love your lists and ideas. YES to Easter Baskets, Farmer's Markets, picnics and especially PITCH PERFECT!

  3. Great list! Our farmer's market is opening up in a couple of weeks and I am SO excited to go!

  4. yes to picnics and dinner parties! and farmers markets and more fruits and veggies! it really is the perfect time of year for all of that :)

  5. Love your list! Lots of fun springy things to do!!

  6. Love this list! I need to definitely get on doing some of these. Next time I'm bored, I have no excuse. :)

  7. What a great list! I'm a new follower and am loving your posts!

  8. love love these! easter baskets and a drive in - i need to do both!

  9. I love your April list!!! So many great spring things :)

  10. April is one of my favorite months (our anniversary is on the 12th!) and the weather in the south makes it even better. I'm really looking forward to the farmers markets opening up!

  11. I am so excited for Pitch Perfect 2!! I think I will have to rewatch it! Thank you for the great list!
    Meg of An Affair of Character

  12. YES to the discounted jelly beans! And to the book reading!

    We have a drive-in about an hour away and I've yet to go. I need to before they shut it down,

  13. This list is so creative! I'm thinking I'll have to go on a picnic this weekend :) Happy Easter!

  14. SO FUN!
    Such a great list idea. You're a creative thinker. I like it. Let's be friends.

  15. Awesome list! I feel like I'd forget to do them all if I had a list that long. I tend to make lists and goals and all that and then completely forget about them! haha

  16. Love this list! It's been forever since I've dyed Easter eggs, and I miss it! I also need to get my butt to a farmers market, there are so many great ones in the area. And yay for discounted jelly beans yummmmm :)

  17. I might hit the Farmer's Market up this weekend!

  18. These goals make me do happy! I love Spring!!!

  19. I love this!!! But OH DEAR HEAVENS does #24 look dangerous! lol you are going to have one great month :) I would totally join you if I could do all of these, but basket making and egg dying are a bit difficult living in the dorms...
    ~ Samantha

  20. Your monthly lists are always so much fun! They get me thinking about what I should do this month, what's blogworthy, and just how to fully appreciate the month and season to the most.

  21. LOVE IT! There are alot of things I might just have to steal from this list to do!
    Mae :)

  22. Great list!! You're never too old to dye eggs ;)

  23. I absolutely love your monthly lists. So many good ideas.


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