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Friday, April 24, 2015

Drink Your Wine & Leave a Wake.

N.D. Wilson quote
“Drink your wine. Laugh from your gut. Burden your moments with thankfulness. Be as empty as you can be when that clock winds down. Spend your life. And if time is a river, may you leave a wake.” 

So often we're always looking ahead to something, or trying to catch up, or worrying about if what we're doing is worthwhile. We're very rarely just living. 

Amanda had recommended this book, Death by Living, on her blog a little while ago. I feel like this quote sums up everything in my head that I'm always trying to figure out. Because sometimes, in the middle of life, we can get so bogged down with is this it? Is this what I'm supposed to be doing? Should I be feeling more significant? 

And to that I say: Drink your wine and laugh from your gut. Life is meant to be spent, it is meant to be enjoyed. 

I think that we hear the words "don't waste your life" and immediately think it means we should be doing more important, worthwhile things. We should be working harder or finding a better job or making more money or contributing more to society. Not that any of those things are bad things, but I think it's possible to do all of that and still waste your life. 

You waste your life when you choose to not spend it. Time can either be stolen from you or you can spend it. It's going to pass either way. So why not use it up for all it's worth? When you go to bed each night, be completely empty of all the life you had to give that day. Let every breath you take scream thankfulness. 

Spending your life can look big and significant and planned out. Or, it can look like Chick-fil-a runs and pool days and phone dates. The important thing is that you're spending your life. All of it. That you're empty when the clock runs out. 

If time is a river, may you leave a wake. 


  1. You've really killed it lately, girlfriend. You have a way with perfect timing in your posts!

  2. I love this.

    I feel like it's applicable to a lot of things people say - you should or shouldn't do this or that. Just do, be, live.

  3. I just got goosebumps, literally. So beautiful.

  4. Oh my goodness. So, just before I read this post, I read this post (, and both of them totally spoke to me. I think we all feel like this often, that we're wasting life because we aren't living it, but just living it IS using it. It doesn't have to be big splendid things we're doing all the time.

  5. Anything with "drink your wine" gets my vote for something worth reading ;) For real though, live your life. I love that concept - and mostly easier said than done!

  6. Adore this. I always try to live in a way that makes me happy (which is reading, good wine, snuggling with my babies, etc!), and this is a great reminder;)

  7. You always have the best quotes. I love this, and will absolutely be drinking my wine ;)

  8. I agree. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not just endured.

  9. This is such a great reminder, especially on Friday! Hope you drink a lot of wine this weekend.

    ​xo katie // a touch of teal

  10. So true, you always speak with such truth and wisdom. Life is what you make it, and what you want to make of it.

  11. I agree with your post & all of the above comments. You always "hit the nail on the head"! Also, your timing always seems to be just right!

  12. This is perfect. Living life is all about spending your time in happiness, doing things you love, meeting new people, learning new things, doing new things. Life doesn't have to be about money or helping others. It's about fulfilling yourself and not wasting it. Thank you for this.

    The Life of Little Me

  13. Okay, I absolutely love that quote as of about 1.5 minutes ago. Thank you for this reminder - as I'm starting college and things are pretty "plan your life" oriented, I needed this!

  14. Yes! This is so good, thank you for the reminder! I feel like it's so easy to get caught up in, "what am I doing here?!" ...we're always going, going, going, doing, doing, doing. If we can figure out how to balance this with JUST BEING, I think it will be so beautiful... and healthy!

  15. What a beautiful quote! The past few weeks have flown by for me and so I've spent a lot of time reflecting on how to make the most of life. This ties right in. I'll have to check out the book soon.

  16. Wow, I LOVE that quote. While reading this on a Sunday, I do feel pretty "spent" - when normally that might make me feel exhausted, thinking about going into another week but I love this idea that maybe it simply means I did a whole lot of living this weekend ;)


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