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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Quotes to Motivate You to Just Do it Already.

Sometimes we all need a little motivation. Something that taps us on the shoulder and whispers in our ear to stop being an idiot and to get up and do the things we keep talking about doing. 

Now, I'm off to make all the things and write all the words. Happy Thursday!


  1. Oh, yes to all these motivations! Love, love, love them all. I'm going to share them if you don't mind. :)

  2. I need to post these all over my room. And my Car. And my office. And on my eyelids.

  3. I wish it was easier to accomplish some of my goals...unfortunately a lot of them involve travel and the money just isn't there :( I'd love to make it back to Germany and get to California at some point (soonish!) but as a college student with a part-time job, I just can't manage yet :( Nothing squashes a dream like an empty bank account
    ~ Samantha

  4. THIS POST CAME AT THE MOST PERFECT TIME OF ALL TIMES! Thank you! I am just getting over my fear of meeting new people, and (gasp) I have to go socialize today with people I don't know!
    Mae :)

  5. Your page has been such an inspiration, loving all the positivity gurlie! :-D

  6. I really needed this today! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Your posts always have perfect timing in my life! These are great!!!

  8. I love every single one of these! Especially the "Go the extra mile, it's never crowded." It made me smile. I've been struggling a lot lately with life in general and dealing with people. This post was timed perfectly for me. Thank you!


  9. This was very motivational, thanks :) Haha I really like, "It doesn't matter what others are doing. It matters what you are doing."

    The Life of Little Me

  10. Needed this Chelsea! xo like, seriously.

  11. These are awesome! I am saving this post to refer to when I need an extra dose of motivation. :)


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