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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Will Having a Dog Make Your Life Better?

If you've ever read my blog before, you probably know how I feel about dogs. So you obviously know the answer to the above question is a resounding yes. So really, we could just call it a day and all go home, but then that would be missing out on an opportunity to talk about dogs and show you my favorite dog gifs, which is basically what I live for.

So on we go.

They make you go outside more.

When I work from home, sometimes an entire day will pass before I realize that I haven't stepped foot outside my apartment. And that's just sad. Having a dog means you have to go outside. And sure, it's annoying to have to wake up and trod Gatsby outside, but fresh air and sunshine is good for everyone.

Dogs help with loneliness. 

I am by myself all. the. time. And as silly as it seems, having a puppy around makes that so much better. That could also be because I most definitely treat my dog like a person, but hey, to each their own.

Dogs can make you feel safer.
In my case, this is probably ridiculous, because Gatsby weighs practically nothing, and I'm pretty sure if someone broke into my house and gave him a treat, he would act like the dog above.

But if he hears someone at the door, he gives his scariest bark, and that makes me feel like no one will break in to see how big (tiny) he is.

They teach you responsibility.   
Having a dog is a big deal. If you don't feed them, they won't get food. If you don't play with them, they won't get exercise. If you don't take them to the vet, no one else is going to make sure they take the right medicine and stay healthy. It's up to you. I think that being in charge of another living being at some point is a good practice for everyone to learn.

They up the happiness level in your life by at least three thousand percent. 

They love you and think you're the greatest thing that has ever happened and they live for the moment you get home from work. And if that doesn't make your life better, I don't know what will.

Why do you think dogs make your life better?


  1. True! All true! Even though hawkeye would scare absolutely no one, and licks everyone who walks in the door like they're her long lost bff, I somehow still feel safer at night knowing she's there. It's strange, but true.

  2. These are all so very true!!!! They also show you what unconditional love is. No matter what you do in your day....they are always there for you and show you love no matter what :)

  3. aww I love this! and it's so true! they really do just make you so so happy!

  4. there's also a study that suggests they lower blood pressure. which really leads me to believe that my health insurance company should provide benefits for puppies. obviously.

  5. Love this list so much! Dogs are the absolute best. I don't know what I would do without mine. I got stevie when I was going through an especially difficult time and had just quit drinking, and she basically saved my life!

  6. I was already in agreement just reading the title of this post on my feed, let alone the content. But yes, the make EVERYTHING 1000% better. My life would be so sad without that goofy grin and wagging tail when I come home every day.

  7. They do! I am still getting over saying goodbye to mine!!

  8. Aww this is so true! I had my childhood dog from the time I was five until 19 and then I waited a year before I got my pup, and I can honestly say there is a difference in me with a dog vs. me without. They just make you better somehow :)

  9. I want a dog SO BAD but I can't have one right now due to apartment (and job) restraints. Hopefully soon! I miss having pups in my life!

  10. Couldn't agree more! Pixie makes me 3000% happier for sure :)

  11. I could not love this post more, and whole heartedly agree with you that YES my big duggy makes my life so much happier :)

  12. ohhh my goodness that puppy eating all the dog food on the ground is too adorable. off to take my pup out now!

  13. So true! I never thought I would say this! I used to be deathly afraid of dogs as a kid. When I got my own a few years ago, everyone was shocked. I love my baby though!

  14. My roommate has two dogs that make me ridiculously happy.

  15. You hit the nail on the head. They ask for so little and yet give so much. I don't need any reason to smile when I see my two boys. Life without dogs, for me personally, isn't a life at all.
    I love dogs so much that I went out and picked up a weekend job petsitting and dog walking. I'm always posting pics, whether they're my own two or clients pets. You should stop by if you haven't already. (Fairly new reader of your


    1. ^ grr Disqus sometimes on mobile freezes for me. Meant to say above I'm a new reader of yours and if you like animals, be sure to stop by
      Hope you're having a grea day!! ox

  16. I absoloutely love dogs for all of the reasons you listed. Nothing makes me happier than puppy kisses!

  17. A thousand times yes, every day I have a rough day my pup always makes it better! The snuggles, the kisses and the excited butt wiggles.

  18. So true! Our dog is like our child! He's a great companion when my husband works nights. He keeps me safe and even cuddles with me when I need it :)

  19. Yes, yes and yes! My Kacee girl may just be one of my best friends... And with my husband being gone for the summer, I am so grateful to have her around (even though she's probably more scared of intruders than I am :)

  20. Undoubtedly, YES. This is hardly even a question. Dogs are the most amazing creatures and I cannot even imagine a life without a dog.

  21. I can't agree enough with this!!! Dogs are everything. :)

  22. #2: you mean dogs aren't people? ;)

    I love that last gif! Everything in this is SO TRUE!!

  23. I love this list. I'm usually annoyed when I have to take the pups out, but as soon as I'm outside, I'm happy (unless it's freezing cold.)

  24. They teach you to appreciate the little things! To notice JOY in everyday life. And to love unconditionally.

  25. Thank you for taking some time to write this post. My dog won’t eat and there is no obvious reason why. Many dog owners get worried as soon as their dogs start refusing food. However, the reasons are so varied that you have to carefully observe your dog before panicking. See more


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