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Friday, November 6, 2015

It's Not Just for Thanksgiving: Being Thankful This Month & All Year Long.

being thankful

No matter who you are or how much emphasis you put on thankfulness in your daily life, you can't deny that Thanksgiving just brings about an attitude of thankfulness. For me, all of November is just full of constant reminders to be thankful. The month is full of magic and happiness and reasons to overflow with thankfulness.

Every November, I'm always thinking about how much I have to be thankful for. Drinking coffee outside with my husband, having a picnic with our pup, lighting pumpkin candles at night, getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving together...these are all things that make me explode with happiness.

Right now, at the beginning of the month, I want to stop and tell myself to let this month be a reminder to practice thankfulness all year long.

After November has passed, after fall is gone and Thanksgiving has ended, when the holidays have come and gone and Christmas music is a distant memory, there is still so much to be thankful for.

Logically, we know there are things to be thankful for. We know that if we had dinner last night, we're luckier than a lot of people. We know that if we have a bed to sleep in, we should be thankful for that. But knowing something and putting it into practice are two different things.

This coming year, I don't want to just know that I have things to be thankful for; I want to practice thankfulness all year long. In the same way that November fills me with gratefulness, I want the whole year to be one heart explosion of thankfulness after another.

Cheers to November. To Thanksgiving. To being thankful. And cheers to keeping that thankfulness alive in our hearts all year long.


  1. love this so much! I think that it is important to be thankful all year long as well, a lot of people don't do this (including myself sometimes) you've just inspired me to work on this as well! xx, kenz

  2. What a great reminder! It's so easy to fall in that post-Holidays funk and not acknowledge blessings, etc., etc. Thankful for this great post today ;)

  3. This is a great reminder! I agree that we need to be mindful of being thankful all the time not just during the holiday season. Great post for a Friday morning! :)

  4. I love this! I am going to practice this as well! It can be so easy to fall into a rut of wanting things we don't have and not recognizing and being thankful for all of the wonderful things that we do have!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. This is a great message and reminder to be thankful all the time! Thank you for sharing :) Happy Friday pretty lady!!

    Xo, Megan
    Diary of this Girl

  6. I love this: I want to practice thankfulness all year long.

  7. oh my goodness, this post is so great. during the move i was so nervous that we wouldn't find a nice apartment in a nice neighborhood. now, when i lay in bed or on the couch and look around, i feel so lucky and thankful that i have a great home. it's so important to remember that people around the world don't have that. xo

  8. I love this. I have been also working on being more thankful. Even though this has been a tough year for me I try to keep it in perspective. When I get down about my divorce I remind myself that there are people who are leaving abusive marriages and have to live in shelters or battle for years in Court and my husband and I are actually very friendly and even though it is sad it is moving smoothly and peacefully. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for if you look hard enough for it.

  9. Hey I couldn't find your email, but wanted to invite you to participate in an Instagram collaboration. It starts Monday. Can't wait.

  10. Cheers, indeed!!! It's so easy to forget how blessed we really are in this life! I'm trying to remember each day to be thankful for something.

  11. Well said, Chelsea! Sometimes I think it's nice to have this month to remind us to be thankful, but it's not often enough!

  12. Yes! I find that I can almost always find something to be thankful for, and the tiniest things give me joy! A great book, my husband and kids at home with me, good food, good wine…that's all I need!

  13. I try and be thankful all year long too, but I like that Thanksgiving gives us a chance to refocus and remind ourselves of this!

  14. love this sentiment!! could not agree more!

  15. Yes! So true!! Definitely a good reminder!

  16. Amazing post dear! I invite you to join a Giveaway on my blog:

  17. I usually try to stay thankful; it can be hard in times of frustration, but it's nice to remember.

  18. a great reminder! people give valentine's day such a hard time bc we should show love year-round, but not everyone does. the same thing should be said about thanksgiving! so right.

  19. Love this! I'm actually not a big fan of Thanksgiving, because it's the day (or month) that everyone stops complaining and talks about what they're thankful for. I'm a firm believer that Thanksgiving should be a daily celebration.


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