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Thursday, November 12, 2015

31 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

Looking at the calendar this morning, it is absolutely crazy to me that it is somehow the second week of November. More than that, though, it's crazy to me that I've been pregnant for 31 weeks. Even more that that, though, it's crazy to me that it means there's only 9 more weeks until Baby Jack's birthday. 

So yeah, lots of feelings happening over here. 

  • My baby shower was this week, and it was absolutely perfect. I can't wait to write all about it and share all the pictures. My mom managed to throw the most magical party that reflected my personality so well, and it was the best day ever. Foxes and fairy tales and tiny macaroons...pure magic. 
  • Getting baby presents was so much fun. Going through them the next day with Chris was the best. Everything feels so real now. If babe was born tomorrow, he would have somewhere to sleep and something to wear and a carseat to ride home in and a stroller to go out in. Of course, none of that stuff is put together or washed, but hey, it's here, and that fills me with so many feelings. 
  • I went to the eye doctor this week, and after saying how far along I am, she asked me, "How sure are you that you're pregnant?" So, there's that. Happy Thursday, everybody. 
31 weeks down, 9(ish) weeks to go. <-- In case you didn't notice, that's a single digit. Time to wash those baby clothes!


  1. Your party!!!

    We haven't had a shower yet- but received our crib from my parents, so we have that all set up- and that was definitely a "whoa!" moment!

  2. your blog is so beautiful :)
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  3. awe, yay!!! into the single digits we go... and can't wait to see the shower details and photos!!

  4. Man it's flying! You look great! What a fun shower :)

  5. ohhh heyyy single digits! and yay for having all the stuff so if baby does come early you'd be fine. what a good feeling!

  6. You are a beautiful glowing mama! Yay for the baby shower and going through all your wonderful gifts with Chris, such a special time for you guys <3

    Green Fashionista

  7. EEEK!! Single digits!! So glad you got showered with love and presents :) Can't wait to see more photos!

  8. How wonderful! You're gorgeous and your shower looks like it was so cute!!

  9. You look so cute! And so does the decor for your shower!

  10. The (Very) small sneak peek is already wonderful. Such a beautiful theme and so whimsical. Love it! Best of luck on the final stretch! you look beautiful!

  11. Eeek so exciting!! You are looking gorgeous!

  12. I'm all about the foxes! Quite new to your blog but I'm totally in love, enjoy those last few precious weeks and get ready for all the fun ❤

  13. Aww!! Such happy thoughts, Chelsea! I'm excited for you! I bet all of those cute baby presents makes it feel so much more real!

  14. oh my goodness, nine weeks!! you're getting so close, girl! I still have 15 weeks to go but they're flying by! You look gorgeous and I love your dress!

  15. You are beautiful. Inside & out <3


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