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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

38 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

When you're 38 weeks pregnant on your anniversary, you may not get mimosas with brunch, but you do get double servings of really, it all works out. 

I've come to the conclusion that the last bit of pregnancy is so uncomfortable in order to balance out all of the terrified feelings. Last week, the thought of actually having the baby was terrifying to me-we're talking sobbing hysterically, almost fainting in the parking lot of the hospital before the tour because I was so anxious-that kind of terrified.

Fast forward to this week, and I am so freaking uncomfortable that when it comes time to actually go to the hospital, I'm going to be so relieved to not feel like this anymore (and to actually get to meet him instead of just feeling him kick my ribcage!) that I think it will balance out my sheer terror of actually having a baby. 

New Year's Eve marked 38 weeks for little baby Jack!

  • Christmas morning was so special, waking up for the first (and only) time to a morning where it was still just me and Christopher, but at the same time, our little family had already grown to more than just the two of us, as made evident by the little gymnast in my stomach who tumbled all around while we read the Christmas story out loud. I then had contractions all day and then puked a lot that night, so, merry Christmas, buddy. Here's hoping his first one here is much healthier! 
  • We celebrated our anniversary! 3 years! I've always heard people say that they never knew how much they loved their spouse until they were having a kid together. While that's true--I've never loved Christopher more than I have now--I will say that more than that, I've never felt how much of a team two people could be until now. The last few weeks have been a little rough, and it has blown me away how much easier everything automatically is because I know Chris is on my team. So guys, if you're going to get married, make sure you pick a good teammate. It makes all the difference.
  • Last Monday, we went on a tour of the hospital. As I mentioned above, for some reason this made me super anxious, but I am SO glad we did this! The nurse who gave us our tour was amazing, and I'm praying she's on schedule when I have the baby. It was very reassuring to see the actual rooms where everything will take place, and she went over every birth scenario and what those would look like, which made me feel prepared. Some highlights: They have 24-7 visiting hours, and there's no restrictions on bringing in outside food. This means that my family can come see me whenever, and that they can bring me Chick-Fil-A when they come. I'm feeling good about this already! 
38 weeks down, 2(ish) to go. But since I'm late in writing this, only 9(ish) more days to go! SINGLE DIGITS, PEOPLE! 


  1. That picture alone just made my mouth water. I can't believe your babe is almost here!!

  2. um. i want double servings of pancakes, hahaha! single digits! how exciting :)

  3. So exciting!!! And those pancakes (and the sound of Chick-fil-a) are SOOOO YUMMY looking!

  4. Can't believe he's so close! Thanks for being real throughout your whole pregnancy. If I have to read one more blog about how pregnancy is just THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER and EVERYTHING IS PERFECT ... UGH. I'm going to be a hot mess so it's nice to know others out there are realistic about it hah.

  5. I'm so so so excited for you! And I can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful little man!

    Lauren :)

  6. Single digits! Good grief!!! I'm happy to hear that I'm about to get so uncomfortable that I won't be so terrified! I have also been dealing with lots of anxiety lately and I can't even handle it. I swear, I rub lavender oil on my pressure points every hour just to get myself to calm down. Thinking about you in these next few weeks!

  7. I love what you wrote about Chris - I can only imagine the excitement you guys are feeling right now! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. How delish does all that brunch food look, yay for a double helping of pancakes! I'm sorry you've been so uncomfortable, but it's so exciting that you'll be meeting your beautiful little man soon <3

    Green Fashionista

  9. ahhh, you are so close!! I remember that slightly panicked that baby has to come out oh my lord! but you can do amazing things, and meeting that little babe is worth the panic. you will do great!

  10. I think you are definitely right. You become so uncomfortable that you actually look forward to giving birth. As someone that has gone through it I can tell you that labor is not fun but it is also not unbearable. It only lasts for some hours and then you get to have your beautiful baby forever. Also, that moment when you finally get to hold and meet your son is so magical that it may be the best memory of your entire life. Instead of focusing on the pain just think about how wonderful it will be to meet your baby.

  11. Yes, yes and yes. I totally remember all of these feelings. I think it's some sort of survival tactic -- you get so sick of being pregnant that you cease to be afraid of the birth anymore because you just want that baby out so badly! But you're right to cherish those special moments while it's just you and your hubby, because they will be few and far between for the next few years. Hang in there this week, you're doing great!! Can't wait to see the first photo of Baby Jack.

  12. I feel like we're soul sisters. Chick fil A - was brought to me for two of my 4 meals in the hospital and it was glorious! Ahhh, I'm so excited for you guys. And I love your comments about Chris and being a team. Isn't that the best feeling ever? You want some good news? That team mentality is about to get kicked into high gear when your little man makes his arrival. I wish I could tell you that the uncomfortable part gets better but it doesn't until you have your baby in your ams. I remember the first time I rolled over after I had given birth and I was like... woah. That was so easy! Ariana came 7 days early and it surprised the heck outta me so maybe you won't even have to wait the full 9 days. Whenever he makes his appearance will be the perfect time. So excited for you! xoxo

  13. I love that you read the Christmas story out loud. That is just so special! you guys are so sweet- happy anniversary!

  14. It sounds like you had an amazing last Christmas as it just being the two of you! That's great that the hospital tour helped out with your anxiety!

  15. "When you're 38 weeks pregnant on your anniversary, you may not get mimosas with brunch, but you do get double servings of really, it all works out."

    Hahaha, I love this.

  16. How cool + reassuring you got to tour the hospital beforehand- definitely puts your mind at ease knowing where you'll be + what the process is. :)

    And happy 3 years!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  17. Happy Anniversary! So excited for the final countdown!!

    Kaitlyn @

  18. Ahh! So exciting that you're so close to meeting your little one! Hope it all goes well & here's to hoping there'll be lots of Chickfila! :)

  19. Happy anniversary! Can't wait to hear what Christmas morning is like next year! :)

  20. Happy anniversary! That brunch looks amazing! So exciting you're in single digits now! :)

  21. Woohoo! And your anniversary breakfast looks delicious.

  22. Parenthood is definitely a team player kind of game! It's the most amazing thing ever {along with the hardest..} and you'll love it. Happy Anniversary! And I'm so excited to "meet" your little man soon!

  23. It is so true that feeling uncomfortable is the only thing that combats the terror. When I was pregnant, I remember my mom telling me that the end of pregnancy discomfort is God's way of getting you ready to give birth because you're so miserable you'll do anything for your pregnancy to be over. And you're not alone in crying about the hospital tour. I did the exact same thing, and as you can now attest to, being able to visualize where it will all take place is so helpful. Pregnancy and birth are full of so many unknowns, and those little things help so much when it all feels so out of your control.

  24. Ohhhhhhhhhh I am so excited for you! I cannot wait to "meet" Jack! I pray for everything to go as smoothly as possible for you guys! :)

  25. 9 days?! OMG! Praying for you, friend!

  26. Those pancakes look so good and double stack - YES! Eeek - nine days - so exciting!!

  27. EEEK! You are SO close!! My little man came a week early so maybe you'll get lucky and meet him sooner than you think! Don't be nervous, it's all going to go great and you get the best gift ever after all of that hard work!

  28. You crossed my mind today and I checked your Instagram account to see if he's made his appearance yet. :) I love reading these updates!

  29. Ahhhh! Any. Day. Now. My friend who just had her baby a few weeks ago was SO uncomfortable too. Ugh! Then out of nowhere she went in to labor, so maybe it will happen tomorrow ;) you'll do great girl- you got this!

  30. yummy breakfast!! and congrats on the single digits. You are almost there!! XO

  31. Ah!!! any day now!! Your breakfast looks sooo yummy. I gave birth right before I hit 39 weeks, so I know just how you're feeling, ugh I was so ready at that point!! Good luck! Any day now! I"ll be thinking of you and can't wait to "meet" baby Jack.

  32. You're almost to your due date (how exciting!!) Those pancakes look so good :D

  33. So exciting!! Congrats and cannot wait for you to experience it. It is the most amazing thing ever. Had baby number 2 two weeks ago. All the heart eyes. :)

  34. ahhhh YAY!!!! so so exciting and i think you must be spot on with that whole "i'm so scared but omg get this thing out of me!" my friend described it just the same :) best of luck with everything!!

  35. YOU GOT THIS, GIRL!!! And I felt the same way on Christmas morning--our last Christmas just us?! Whaaat?! But really, you're right, and it stopped being "just us" the moment we found out we'd be having a baby! I'm hoping the last few days pass quickly for you. Can't wait to see the adorable baby pictures!!!!!

  36. AHHHH so sooon!!!! Seriously excited for you!

  37. Mmmmm pancakes!!!
    so soon and you're going to rock it!! normal to be anxious but when the time comes you'll just do what you need to do!! enjoy the ride
    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy


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