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Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy 2016! Setting Goals: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself First.

Happy 2016! Can you believe it?! Today is a fresh start, the first step in a brand new year that can be anything you want it to be. So what do you want it to be?

I always spend January first making goals, and I love it. I curl up with a cup of coffee and make lists and dream big dreams and make binders and love ever second of it. By the time the day is over, I feel ready to take on the year and am sure I can do anything.

This year is different-baby Jack is due in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS, hello-so I'm sure my goals will change as my life does, that I'll discover new goals I need as the year goes on, etc.

Whatever boat you're in, whether you're wanting to make major changes with giant goals or minor adjustments with small goals, these questions are a good place to start. Your answers to these questions can really help guide you in your goal setting.

1. What is one way I want to be different by this time next year? Don't think about circumstances or things you want to be different, think about how you want to be different.

My answer: I want to be less of a worrier. I want to stop being so anxious about things I have no control over. This has been a crazy year when it comes to uncontrollable things, and I want to keep working on worrying less. You can't enjoy life if you're too busy worrying over it!

2. What is one thing I want to accomplish this year? 

My answer: I want to create a happy, full life no matter where we end up living. Like I said, I'll have to be flexible with all the unknowns this year, but one thing I do know is that I want to give my family the best life possible and I want to be the happiest possible-whether that means decorating a new house or finding fun things to do in a new town, or just being willing to be open-minded about my location. I want to create the best life possible this year.

3. What is a quality I find myself admiring in others? 

My answer: Openness. Is that a quality? You know those people who just roll with the punches and go right along with life's twists and turns? I admire them. I'm never going to be someone who doesn't get stressed when plans change, but I do want to be someone who is able to make the best of the unexpected and still enjoy life to the fullest, even when it's not going according to plan...even when there's no plan at all.

4. What will make me proud of myself a year from now? 

My answer: Continuing to do the things that I love, even though this year will be full of changes. I want to keep writing and keep blogging. 2015 was a great year for my blog, and I know that if I keep working at it, I'll be proud of myself at the end of 2016.

5. What is a word that embodies what I want out of this year?

My answer: Cherish. This year is going to be the biggest yet-Jack will be joining the party any day now, we'll be submitting our rank list next month, we'll find out where we match in March, and Chris will officially be a doctor in May. What. A. Year. I just want to cherish every single day, every moment, every change.

Hopefully your answers to these questions point you in the direction of the goals you need to make for the year! Whatever goals you have, cheers to 2016 being the absolute best year ever.


  1. Sounds like you will have an amazing year!! Happy new year!! XO

  2. I also love considering the acronym "SMART" if you're thinking of five questions relating to whether the goals is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. It helps keep me focused on things that can actually get done and monitoring my progress. Happy New Year and good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

  3. Read my lifestyle advice column (link) to become an even better (and maybe even quirkier) person ;) Happy new year 2016!

  4. I love choosing a word for the year, I'm still wondering what mine will be but I am keeping my goal list concise and meaningful. I really enjoyed this past year, and each one gets better but there's some things I REALLY want to accomplish in 2016 and I can't wait to get started. It's sure going to be an exciting year for you- yay!

  5. These are fantastic goals for this year! Especially with your little guy coming soon!

  6. Love these questions! They are so true & very thought provoking when thinking about what you're going to do with this next year. Happy 2016!

  7. Such a great list of questions--I'm saving this one not only to share but because I want to journal with it. I'm also really loving your word, too. I just thought of mine and hope to share it soon! :)

  8. once your little Jack arrives, cherish will come so easily (even when you're sleep-deprived and grumpy lol). LOVE the name Jack, it's so so so cute!

    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

  9. I love these questions! I'm the same way. I start the beginning of the month writing lists and making binders and plans. But these questions really focus on what's important. :)

  10. So many big things happening for you, I love your goals about being open and worrying less. I don't quite know what my overarching goals for this year are but worrying less definitely needs to be a priority.

  11. What an exciting year ahead of you! Sending you and your family lots of luck and love for the coming weeks x

    Sophie Cliff

  12. I love this post, and the timing is so perfect for me. I've struggled with formulating my goals for this year more than any other year. What really matters and what do I want to accomplish? I am coming back to this later when I have more time! Thanks!

  13. I love this post! And by the excited for your family!!

  14. Love this and your last answer! Happy New Year!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  15. Ooooh, these are great questions. I could definitely be less of a worrier. Reading everyone else's different ways of doing things really helps me with that. Makes me feel like I'm not the only one worrying about stuff. I'm kind of in the same boat with you that I don't even know for sure where I'll be living etc in the near future :).

  16. LOVE this! You guys have a huge year ahead so 'cherish' is the perfect word! Can't wait for baby Jack to get here!! :)

  17. I love these questions! Especially asking yourself what is one thing you want to be different -- a great way to change without it being overwhelming.

    ​xx katie // a touch of teal

  18. iloved loved loved reading your answers to this. great questions!! and omg #1 is so me. i need to work on that. i an't believe it's almost baby time!!

  19. I love this idea! Such a fresh look for the start of a new year. I'm such a worrier too & it is such a terrible habit. I can't wait to hear of baby Jack's arrival!

  20. Cherish is such a great word for anyone during any year, but this one is huge for you guys and I'm so excited for you. I can't wait for that baby boy to get here so you can cherish him <3

  21. I love these questions and I love your answers even more! This is a great way to set goals! I found myself answering each one as I went along reading. I think I will copy these questions down and answer them on paper, too :) Thanks, Chelsea!

  22. LOVE these questions, thank you for sharing!! And yes- cherish is SO perfect, especially for all that will be happening in your life this year!

  23. These are such great questions to help focus your goals for the new year. I especially love the question about a quality you admire in others--I think that was what made me choose "confidence" as my word for the year, because I do admire those who have it! I spent New Year's Day working on goals too--isn't it the best?! Here's to a great 2016!

    Shea |

  24. Sounds like 2016 is going to be your best one yet!

  25. it's a shame you'll have such a boring year ;)

  26. These questions are amazing. I love dreaming about the new year, and I like making goals, but I rarely keep them. I think asking yourself these questions is a great place to start! I particularly love your answer to question 2 - that is always my goal (re: blog name), and I've been finding myself more and more content and inspired by life as we go! So excited for you to meet baby Jack this year! (and I love that name, by the way) :)

  27. Ok, i adore the idea of recognizing what i adore in other people... i don't know that i realize those things and then make an effort to make them facets of my own person. BUT I CAN.

  28. Wonderful post and questions! I think that everyone has to ask it, it can be very useful! Yesterday I read another interesting post . I think you should read it to know smth new! I'm sure you'll be appreciate!) Enjoy)


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