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Thursday, January 7, 2016

39 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

Gatsby doesn't hate all this lounging and waiting on Jack to arrive. 

Remember how I said my pregnancy was both flying by and lasting forever? I take it back. It's definitely lasting forever. I didn't know time could move this slowly. It's only been 2016 for 7 days? Lies. Surely this year has already last four months, right? And I've been 39 weeks pregnant for about 12 weeks now? 

  • All joking aside, I'm reminding myself that it's a privilege to get to carry a baby to full term, and that many people have had to give birth early and spend a long time in the hospital instead of at home with their little love. I may be extremely uncomfortable, but I'm also extremely thankful that my little guy seems to be doing good...he's just nice and cozy and doesn't want to face the real world yet. On that, we can understand each other. 
  • At my baby shower, people brought me books instead of cards. Because we live in a studio, they had to go into storage until I could clear some space for them. I finally got around to clearing off my bookshelf (no easy task for any book-lover), and put all the baby books up on the shelf. I am so excited to get to read all of these stories to him.
  • We're at this weird place where everything that is going to get done is already done. Meaning that we've done everything we know of to do...everything is set up, the clothes and sheets are all washed, the hospital bags packed, freezer meals ready...we're no longer racing the clock on a to-do list, we're just waiting on Jack. 
  • Chris said to me, "I feel like we're just running out the clock at this point." He didn't mean it in a bad way, but I hate the idea of not taking advantage of time we have together, so I made him play cards with me. And about twenty minutes into that, cried because my back hurt, so we just went to bed instead. I'm learning that the advice you get for the end of pregnancy just isn't realistic for everyone. Things like, "Go on as many date nights as you can during those last few weeks!" (I love a good date night, but the thought of having to sit at a table for an hour and a half right now makes me want to cry) Or, "Stock up on sleep now, you're going to need it!" (HA. HA. HA. 39 week pregnant me would love nothing more than to stock up on sleep. 39 week pregnant me also happens to be incapable of sleeping more than a few hours at a time, since I'm housing an entire human at the moment.) So I'm letting go of the picture other people had painted for me--a relaxing, honeymoon-type phase with my babe before our littlest gets here--and instead embracing lots of Netflix and movie nights where we have to pause the show every twenty minutes so I can get a snack/go to the bathroom/switch positions/ask for a massage/make Chris switch seats with me because his seat looks more comfortable/pause again  because it wasn't more comfortable and I want my seat back. But hey, if running out the clock is what we're doing, there's no one in the entire world I'd rather be doing it with. 
39 weeks down, 1(ish) to go. ONE. WEEK. SEVEN. DAYS. Hopefully this is the last one of these posts I'll be writing, and next time I write anything about Jack, it will be accompanied by a picture of his sweet little face! 

Whenever you're ready, little man. 


  1. Good luck for the next few weeks - I have LOVED reading through your pregnancy right from your very first announcement post. Hoping Baby Jack arrives soon and safely <3 x

  2. Awww best wishes for the next week!! =)

  3. Holy cow! I can't believe that you're 39 weeks already! Keeping your whole little family in my prayers and sending so many good vibes your way. Hopefully Jack appears exactly when you're ready for him to!

  4. Eeek! Hoping that next update is one welcoming him!!

  5. You're almost there!!! My husband recently asked me if I wanted to go to a hockey game in DC next weekend, and I was like, "Um, no thank you." He thought it was because I was scared of going to a big sporting event with the recent attacks in Paris, but it's really because I have no desire to sit in those tiny, hard seats and get up every 20 minutes to go use the gross public bathrooms! Thinking about you this next week and hoping for a smooth end of pregnancy/delivery!

  6. Awww, I can't wait for you to meet your little man face to face!! How exciting! I'm so glad you've as prepared as you can be- what a blessing!

  7. You're sooooo close gurlie! Hoping you can get comfortable in these last few days before meeting little man <3

    Green Fashionista

  8. My best friend felt the exact same way. So you're not the only one! :) Fingers crossed he makes is debut soon!

  9. So exciting! Wishing you so much luck—can't wait to see a photo of that sweet baby boy!


  10. It's almost here lady! Can't wait for the day!

  11. Almost there! I can't wait for him to arrive and see what fun he inspires in your life. And I'm sure he'll be adorable of course, yay for baby pictures!

  12. It'll all be so worth it when he arrives! Those last few weeks can be exhausting, but the second you lay eyes on his precious face, you'll completely forget about it!

  13. i love the idea of people bringing you books - what a neat idea! and i bet you are so tired with everything going on!! Time is flying I can't believe you're already 39 weeks!

  14. Can't wait to "meet" him!! Stay strong, I know the waiting and the uncomfortableness (I know, not a word) are agonizing.

  15. What an exciting time for you!!! (Exciting, but I'm sure very physically uncomfortable :) Can't wait for the big day and to hear your wonderful reflections!

  16. I'm sorry you are so uncomfortable! Hope he arrives soon, I can't wait to see photos of his sweet little face! :)

  17. So crazy that it is so soon, and yet these last few days are inching by for you. Before you know it, your baby will be here, :)

  18. That last month drags on and on and on! Wishing you luck these last couple of weeks! So excited to meet your sweet little one!

  19. I love books instead of cards! You can do this!

  20. yes! instead of sleep as much as you can, I say stay in bed/on the couch as much as you can. it's amazing. and I miss it. and also, as someone who has been there...the last week is actually 6 months long, not 7 days. you know what I'm talking about!

  21. I hear you, those last few weeks of being pregnant are so hard... the waiting, the discomfort, it seems to last forever. And of course everyone is full of unsolicited advice, but you just have to do what works for you! Hang in there :)
    Shea |

  22. Ahhh reading this just makes me so ready for our little man to JUST GET HERE!! Then I think, "Where would he sleep?" "What would he wear?" and I back off reeeal quick lol! I'm sorry you are so uncomfortable!! I'm sure between that and just the waiting it's beginning to feel like torture! Hang in there Mama!!

  23. I've totally heard the same thing about the last few weeks of pregnancy-- all of these people give you such "great" advice but it's totally unrealistic. Hopefully your little man will be here soon enough so you can feel comfortable again & not want to cry at the thought of going out to eat dinner haha! You can do it! You're so close! :)

  24. Hopefully Jack decides to make his entry into the world soon for you. That sucks that you're so uncomfortable right now :(

  25. yay!! one more week! thinking of you lots and can't wait to see baby Jack! hope you're feeling well and I totally agree- it's been a special journey for sure

  26. So exciting! I hope this little man comes soon! Good luck!

  27. Woo hoo!!! So, so exciting, Chelsea!! I am so thrilled for you! :)

  28. Congrats on being so close! How exciting! I am a new follower of your blog and I've just gotta say, I absolutely LOVE your posts. So much of your personality shines through and it's just awesome!

    Can't wait to see Jack's face!


  29. Ahh so soon! I can't wait to hear all about it! Good luck :)

  30. i can't wait for him to get here!

  31. Such a sweet puppy face! So, I'm coming to you for advice for when I'm housing a human. Because I'm honestly just so baffled by everything baby. And Google is NOT my friend. LOL!

  32. Sitting here reading this and I made David pause his show so I could read it to him. He was laughing the whole time and I said, "How true is that?" I used to make him switch seats with me allll the time. All those things are right on! I'm hoping Jack comes soon! You still won't sleep more than a few hours at a time but when you do sleep, you'll sleep HARD. It's good sleep. Plus, when you wake up - it's to see the sweetest little face ever, not take 10 minutes to roll over.

  33. I love the idea of having books at a baby shower instead of cards! You're so close -- can't wait to meet your little guy!

    ​xx katie // a touch of teal

  34. You can make it! The last month is for sure the hardest, and the last week is even harder!
    It is so fun to follow you as you wait! Little Jack is so lucky to come to a family that already loves him so much!


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