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Thursday, January 21, 2016

It's Going to Fly By.

This year will fly by. Whether you stop to take it in or not, whether you choose to be thankful for it or not, whether you live each day to the fullest or not. There are 365 days in 2016 (21 of which have already come and gone) that are going to pass, whether you cherish them or ignore them.

So cherish them.

The holidays come with a sense of urgency, with the desire to take it all in, to cherish it all, to live in each moment and make time for what is most important to you. It is exhausting, but it is full. Then real life must begin again, and in the midst of it all-in the midst of going back to work and being forced to wear real clothes instead of pajamas and making resolutions and eating healthier and getting life back on track-the desire to savor, to stop and take it all in, quietly disappears. The second Monday of the year doesn't feel worth cherishing, the third even less so.

And before we know it, we will be nearing the end of 2016, saying things like, "I can't believe it's almost 2017! The year went by so fast!" And we will make promises for the next year of our lives-still high off of the Christmas music and kindness and twinkling lights, we will promise to cherish each day we are given.

That moment will be here before we know it, but at the same time, we still have an entire year to live in before then. So live in it. Soak it all in, even the mundane Mondays. Cherish the new experiences and the same old ones you've grown familiar with. Make time to spend on those who are closest to you. Do whatever it is that makes your soul come alive.

Because the time-the brief, long, magical, mundane time-between now and next year is going to pass whether you take the time to notice it or not. So notice it. Stop and take it all in. You'll only ever see it just this once.

Ps: Please understand I may be a bit slow in getting back to you as I'm either about to have a baby//currently having a baby//have just had a baby. I wanted to keep things going on my blog, but it may take a bit to get back into the swing of things since I'm, you know, bringing a human into the world and all. xo


  1. It's so true! I already can't believe that January is practically over! Yayy for baby!

  2. I can't believe January is almost over! Ever since I graduated college years ago I feel as if time goes by so much faster now.

  3. So true!!! And even more so once you are a Mama (congrats, by the way!!!)... it seems like yesterday I was finding out I needed to be induced... and now here we are and that baby is turning 4 on Sunday. The days are long but the years are fast.

  4. Beautifully written, my friend! :)

  5. I love this! Time really does fly. It's so important to embrace every moment of your life & tell the people in your life how much you love them. Hope you're doing well with Baby Jack! :)

  6. It's going to go especially fast because of how quick Jack will grow. Ah! So excited for you!

  7. Cherishing the beauty in the ordinary is one of the biggest goals I have for my life. My only new year's resolution was "don't let it pass you by" (meaning the year, the experiences, and the people). Great post and I am so proud of you for staying SO on top of your blog through this big life change (Mom Blogger of the year award goes to you!)

  8. This is so, so true! I'm hoping to be able to take time each month and savor it. Good,bad, mediocre, whatever. I love this post! XO

  9. I have good news - we have 366 days this year!!!!!! I love this reminder. Hope all is going well with you :)

  10. This is such a great reminder! How is it almost February?!

  11. Absolutely love this post! I already find myself saying "where is the year going??" and I want to savor it all!

  12. So very true! I can't believe that we're already nearing the end of January. This year will pass by quickly.


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