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Friday, January 29, 2016

Goodbye January, Hello February.

Goodbye, January. 

Goodbye to a month of anticipation, of not knowing what to expect or when to expect it.

Goodbye to being worried about what life with Jack would be like.

Goodbye to being pregnant!

Goodbye to interview season.

Goodbye to knowing a world without this precious little guy, to only knowing him from the inside.

Goodbye to the most life-changing, hardest, most beautiful month of my life. The month that made us a family, the month that showed me Christopher and I can do anything together.

Hello, February. 

Hello to the month of love, to pink hearts and roses and chocolates and champagne.

Hello to actually being able to drink champagne again!

Hello to our first full month of having a baby, the first month Jack will start with us.

Hello to figuring out this whole parenting thing. To winging it when necessary. To lots of snuggles and extra cups of coffee.

Hello to finalizing and turning in our rank list for residency. To being simultaneously terrified and excited.

Hello to not being stuck in bed anymore, and to being able to move around and take Jack on some adventures.

Hello to a beautiful month full of new things, chocolate, and baby snuggles. It just doesn't get much better than that.

What are you saying hello and goodbye to this month? 


  1. So many wonderful things to look forward to! Enjoy every precious moment with your bundle of joy :)

  2. It does NOT get much better than new things, chocolate, and baby snuggles!

  3. Bringing your baby into the world is such an exciting time! You're going to have some of the most precious moments over the next few years!

    I'm saying hello to my 26th bday, my 9th anniversary, to a new month of possibilities!

  4. I'm ready to say goodbye to being pregnant and drinking champagne again! There's also that paralyzing fear of not knowing what to expect with having a newborn--we are so ready to just dive right in and get started!

  5. What a blessed month and all future blessings.

  6. Ooooh a month full of chocolate and baby snuggles sounds perfect! Such an exciting time for you, and many more wonderful things on the horizon for your family <3
    Green Fashionista

  7. awwww what a beautiful summary of this month to next month! and HELLO CHAMPAGNE!

  8. What a WONDERFUL month you are saying hello to :) :) :)

  9. Amen to the champagne girlfriend!!!


  10. So many changes happened for you this month, and it sounds like February is going to be even better!

  11. It sounds like a good month to come. Congrats on being able to drink champagne again!

  12. What a wonderful January! Hooray for a your first full month of baby Jack! Good luck ranking this month-that is so exciting! :)

  13. Sounds like a great February ahead! Yay for new baby snuggles.

    xx katie // a touch of teal

  14. I love February...I don't know why, but I've just always loved the love month. I guess because I've always felt loved. :) And yay for being able to drink champagne AND snuggle your baby!

  15. Ahhhh champagne and chocolate. You've got me craving now, haha. This is such an adorable post. Congratulations on everything you've overcome. <3

  16. Congrats on having your baby boy! What an amazing time for you! Cheers to February...with a glass of Champagne ;)

    Laura | Laura Aime Vous

  17. Congratulations on your baby boy! Hope February brings a lot of joy and happiness!

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Etsy

  18. Yayyyy, congratulations on baby Jack being with you now! My goodbyes and hellos are very much like yours now that Sofia has joined us and I am super excited to see what February has in store! xo

  19. Happy February to you, Christopher and Jack! And Gatsby too. :)

  20. Hello February!! I cannot believe how quickly this year is already moving. We'd better hang on for a wild ride ;)


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