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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Fighting the Blank Page: Seven Ways to Overcome Writer's Block.

I'm stuck somewhere in the middle of having all kinds of creative ideas and having the worst writer's block ever. In the spirit of trying to lean towards the former, I thought I'd share some things I've been doing that are helping me fight writer's block and actually make myself write, instead of staring at a blank page all day. 

Turn off Netflix. And the TV, and the radio, and every other electronic device that is distracting you. I am the worst about watching Netflix "only until I think of something to write." Spoiler alert: it never happens. So turn it off and start writing.

Read a chapter in a book that you're really, really into. There are few things that inspire me as much as falling in love with a book, because it makes me want to write something that other people will fall in love with. So when you're having a hard time feeling inspired, pick up a book that's given you that feeling, and then use it to power through some words.

Give yourself a change of scenery. Go to a new coffee shop. Write from your couch instead of your bed. Take your notebook outside and write. Switch it up and trick yourself into feeling inspired.

Read some of your own words. What's something you're proud to be the author of? A paper from a college class? Your favorite blog post? A journal entry from the best day ever? Read those things. Read them to remind you that you can write, that you like writing, and that eventually, one day, you will once again write something you actually like

Look up writing quotes.  My sweet friend Brooks shared this list with me last week, and it was exactly what I needed. If you love writing, it's almost impossible to read a list of words about writing and not want to write some of your own words.

Set a timer. When all else fails, sometimes you just have to make yourself write. So set a timer for 10 or 15 or 20 minutes, and don't stop writing until it goes off. Even if the words you're writing are just ideas and aren't complete sentences, just keep writing them down. Nonsense words are better than no words.

Just keep doing it. Keep setting the timer. Keep forcing yourself to write the nonsense words. Keep writing, "write 500 words" on your to-do list. Just. Keep. Doing. It. And one day, you'll wake up and realize that you want to write, no bribing or forcing involved.

How do you fight writer's block?


  1. I think I do almost all of these! I've been trying to get out of my house more and write somewhere else. It forces me to write because I sort of have to if I'm sitting with my laptop at a coffee shop, and keeps me from napping or watching crap tv at home;)

  2. These are great tips. Lately I've felt blocked on blog post topics. I feel very blah and uninspired.

  3. Love the idea of reading a chapter from a book you love. I enjoy your wisdom on this so much!!

  4. Turn off Netflix....yes! If I'm sitting in front of a TV while writing a post I can get completely thrown off and have to stop writing. The TV totally distracts me. I love all these tips!

  5. Love this, Chels! Especially the Netflix one--such a good reminder :)

  6. Sometimes I will page through a magazine that has pretty pictures and sometimes that helps.

  7. I definitely read something in the genre I want to write, and I also review old writings of mine. I also listen to some mood music (typically Celtic or soundtracks)

  8. The "set a timer" and "just keep going" always work for me! Sometimes you just to push yourself.

  9. Turning off Netflix is so hard to do, but a great tip.

  10. Great tips! I agree-- getting rid of the distractions and just getting words on paper are the most important things I make myself do.

  11. These are all great tips. But do I REALLY have to turn off Netflix? It's's so...Yeah, yeah, okay...

  12. I like to read back through my favorite passages in my favorite books or pick up whatever new book I'm reading. Sometimes that will get my thoughts going. I have to set a timer when I do this though or else I'll get caught up reading and forget to get back to writing.

  13. Thank you for the shout out - I thought of you instantly when I read those quotes. My favorite tip is writing with a timer, it actually gives you a boundary to stay in!

  14. Great tips! Writers block can be such a funk. Usually I have to take a break and do something different. It usually helps to clear my mind. :)

  15. Such great ideas! And yes… I know I should turn off Netflix when I'm not feeling inspired but it's so hard! Thanks for the reminder!

    Jennifer Ashley

  16. Sometimes I like to get out for a walk. Peace with nature can bring me time with a lot of my thoughts that I didn't realize I had...great tips!

  17. Every single one of these are amazing mind exercising tips. Honestly, I never really get writer's block. Maybe that's because I only write when I have something I want to write about, or maybe it's because I absentmindedly look at quotes or just write aimlessly, creating the idea without trying. There really are unlimited things to write about, because words are thoughts and thoughts are infinite.

    The Life of Little Me

  18. Yes, yes, yes, and yes! A change of scenery always does wonders for me, as well as reading a chapter from a great book. C.S. Lewis always seems to spark some creative instinct in me. These are great tips, Chelsea!

  19. This is exactly what I needed to read this morning! Thanks girl :) Happy writing xx

  20. These are great tips! I've been in a place where, I've been feeling inspired but then when I go and try to write anything, I just can't do it. Going to try some of these and see if I can shake this writers block!

    -Chelsea |

  21. Reading something always helps me too for the same reason. :) Another thing I do is try to figure out if something about what I'm working on is off and if that's why I'm not feeling inspired to write.

  22. I get the same feeling when I read something great or hear a well-written song. I think, "I want to write words that inspire others like this inspires me."


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